Will there be bosses in the game? if so, maybe it'd be like, for example, the ratkin boss drops a trinket that'd make the character into a ratkin, or a piece of a ratkin set (depending on if they can appear multiple times or are one time bosses like in Darkest Dungeon.), anyway, the ratkin class would make the character into a ratkin, and have skills reminiscent of the ratkin enemies you face...maybe, it's just an idea I have though. and it could also be the case for other bosses with the other species of enemies too. Like I said though, It's just an idea of mine. but boss trinkets (if there are bosses) I feel like would be a neat thing.
1. jesus christ your guys can just die too quickly to random stuff in the dungeon. found a chair, thought it might do some body mod thing like piercings or something...NOPE just fucking killed one of my best guys.
2.rescue missions needs a nerf. my team member who got kidnapped, 2 perks, spawned an EXPERT LEVEL MISSION...OK?!?!! WHY?!?!?! how am i supposed to reasonably gain strength if losing a team member is THAT harsh of a punishment.
3. speaking of which, growth goals......wow i freaking hate this system...kill 2 enemies, seems simple enough, but the unit itself has to deal the finishing kill. THATS what makes it bullshit. when stalling in this game to let that unit get a kill can lead to so much bullshit happening this needs to be reworked to where they just have to be in the party when the kill happens. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE DOT EFFECTS DO NOT COUNT AS A KILL EVEN IF THE PERSON WHO INFLICTED THE DOT IS THE ONE THAT NEEDED THE KILL
3b. also a lot of these stats for leveling up is enemy dependent....no...just...no....you know what you did? you made leveling up rng based, which is BEYOND terrible. cant ever level up that unit? fuck you, the enemy will not target you.
3c. growth goals that also rng roll into STARTING A TURN WITH A STATUS THEY CANNOT GAIN IS JUST.....DUDE COME ON!
there is a VERY good reason why EXP is a thing in rpgs instead of.....what ever this is...
4. very important one to end off on. IF I HAVE TO ABIDE BY THE FUCKING TARGET ORDER THAN ENEMIES SHOULD HAVE TO DO THE SAME!!!! I put the mage in the backline for a goddamned reason, why can certain enemies melee attack them?!?!
When I first saw what the dollification chair, it was clear it needed to be revamped. Anyone who knows what it does will be sure to avoid it, while anyone who doesn't is going to lose one of their characters permanently. It's essentially a giant noobtrap that risks a player dropping the game if they use it.
The third point is also a really good point. Levelling up characters is largely built for characters that deal raw damage, leaving some classes (most notably the cursed ones) extremely difficult to level up. Personally, I just reroll until I get better tasks like clearing dungeons.
The game is too difficult, after the “training” I went on to the next quest where the first group fucked me in all the cracks, the provocateur, the dog, the spider, they together are too strong, the provocateur always received 2-3 damage, and when the provocation took place, it was impossible to hit the dog who raped one of my squad because the spider took the damage.
Too, too much damage blocking, which makes it almost impossible to kill the enemy, honestly, even Durkest Dungeon seems easier than this game. But still, the game turned out not bad, I hope there will be some rebalancing and the addition of new goodies.
Tips for working around those targets with extreme defense:
1) A certain cursed class (won't spoil which) has an ability that removes all defensive buffs on a target. Becomes problematic with speed timing since the target will continuously re-apply buffs at start of turn for free though.....
2) Damage Over Time effects aren't effected by defense buffs. (Burn, Bleed, Lust) Cleric's wide target Fire dmg/debuff is low damage, but hits all and builds up over repeated turns .... Mage has two options for Burn as well, I think. Noble and Warrior have attacks with Bleed. That same cursed class above has two options for Lust damage over time. (1 direct skill, other is a specific weapon)
However, bear in mind an enemy dying to DoT effect doesn't seem to count for some (?) "Kill enemy" goals. ( maybe only certain types, haven't figured out yet )
Because of this, at least a mix of any two of Cleric, (cursed class with high speed), or Noble/Warrior (bleed attack) seem almost required in any party.
I've noticed that the chests that forcibly equip cursed gears are equipping things that I already have an infinite amount of, and more importantly equipping things like prisoner gear on characters who are elite prisoners. In version 2.7, this wouldn't have bothered me, but with the new uncurse criteria, you can't just take off cursed sets. It'd be nice if having being elite in a cursed class allowed you to just remove the corresponding gear.
It'd also be nice if there was a list of gears, weapons, quirks, etc. Maybe a library at the guild could have that?
Can confirm it's not just "mod" items . I've not installed ANY mods, only Patreon release versions, but had the same "placeholder item" in my armor outfit inventory.
I couldn't recall offhand what was missing, but some armor from prior version appears to have been removed or changed. Something between Patreon 2.7.5 and 2.8 (in my case, specifically 2.8.1hotfix2)
Haven’t gone deep yet but here are my initial thoughts:
Curios in general are good. But some are rather disappointing. Primarily the ones where there is no good outcome, aside from perhaps leaving. There are some with ‘X% chance’ which I would love to see more of. A lot of the appeal of rogue-lite games is calculated risk and cost-benefit. You have a chance of something good so you take the risk, rather than just having to brute-force discover which options are entirely negative. The idea is great but more work is required.
Quests in early game are just a tutorial, which is fine.
Personalities… take a long time to become relevant. The class rework likewise.
Not a new thing but the update has highlighted it for me: the way gear works sucks.
At present there is essentially no point in ever deliberately equipping anything or keeping gear over gold and mana. Most non-cursed items are marginal and many cursed items are crippling. It simply isn’t worth paying any attention to item rewards rather than development quests. And the risk of getting a ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ abomination makes every equip a gamble with replacing your developed adventurer with a raw novice.
Suggestion: Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana. It will at least give a reason to try and gather items, even if they are cursed as it will eventually give some reward.
Side note: The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer. At this point I just dismiss any adventurer that gets such an item because getting to level 3 with any class is a massive undertaking and it is genuinely easier to just start from scratch rather than try to uncurse the girl.
"Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite.
"The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer" this is partially true (it depends on the class), just changing it to "reach level 2" would help a lot.
‘ "Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite. ‘
Calling an idea dumb is not the way to engage in discussion, it gives the impression you are only interested in being insulting rather than improving the game.
As to the actual point, infinite items can be changed.
Expanded suggestion: Remove the current infinite items system. Add the option to dismantle items for gold and mana. Once you have dismantled enough of a specific item you get a blueprint that allows you to spend gold and mana to make new ones.
I think gear from classes should be reworked since they can already brick characters, and as more are added, the problem is going to get worse. Personally, I think the gears should be uncursed when you clear X dungeons as the respective class (maybe the number of dungeons needed could be lowered as you become adept, veteran, elite to encourage further leveling up the character).
I can interact with the Curios, but they won't let me choose any option except the 'X' to get out of them (I've tried clicking with the mouse and arrow keys + enter key, and nothing happens).
Will add more as I play through the update :)
Edit #1: I need to click the character portraits, not the choices; I am a dumbass x_x
Edit #2: I love the new background for the forest! I don't know how, but it feels more fitting than the previous one did. However, I will say that I'm disappointed that you can't lock 'negative' hypnosis mantras and can only apply mantras that alter the personality of the girl being hypnotized. I somehow got an exhibitionism mantra on Aura (which was great since it builds up exhibitionism over time, which is INCREDIBLY difficult to manage by clothes breaking since no clothes typically leads to curse equips), but lost it around stage two exhibitionism. I also had my mage and all of her items turned into a doll, which was quite... unexpected and inconvenient, to say the least. Still, I am enjoying the curios and personalities, even if it's a little difficult to get the builds I want without hindering my progress substantially. I shall keep playing!
I went to the discord and put some of the mods from there into the folder but I don't think that it's working since I don't see any of the things in the game
Can i reduce the stats of a character in any way? i need less inteligence to use a cow move (dumb force) 🤔
EDIT: I see now that the nose ring is supposed to cap it, but something was overwriting it somehow. I still want to know if there's a way to lower the base stats tho
Is there any way to port this to android? This is the kind of stuff that i would play on my tablet for hours (i have no idea of how hard/complicated it is to port a godot game, that's why I'm asking).
In theory it isn't that hard to port, Godot allows for easy porting to android. The problem is that this would also require reworking the input since you can't rightclick or hover for tooltips. So as long as the UI isn't fixed, I'm not porting it.
Of course, if you want to do it yourself, the git repo is open source (link in the Discord) :)
I got an idea that might solve the right click issue. How about doing something similar to the context menu that appears in Trap Quest whenever you interact with something?
Like there's a crate, you touch the crate and a context menu with the hand hand symbol to open it and the magnifying glass to search the create (there's a third symbol to look at the create too).
A system similar to that could solve the issue, but it would also make the gameplay on pc one click slower, so it would need to be a toggleable option 🤔
So, gonna say that I do love playing this game a lot (since I haven't played Darkest Dungeon, but this game has me really liking the idea). I do honestly look forward to more things that are coming in.
Although, something that's kind of killing me right now is the fact that my girls keep getting Handsy and Nearsighted for Negative Quirks (the former one has some uses, but the latter one has become an outright nuisance to playing the game). I wouldn't mind so much, if not for the fact that they keep popping up 99% of the time after I go and complete the dungeons... especially Nearsighted which has been coming up onto to 85% or the girls that I have over at a near 100% chance.
I have to ask, are those negative traits tied to anything like say the desire weights or the afflictions, or are they suppose to happen at random...? The last time that I played this game on the site (when it was 2.6.7), Nearsighted didn't come nearly as much as it is now.
Edit: Oh, and Attractive has also been coming up too often (to where a lot of my girls have it), but I've been able to get by with that.
Some quirks prevent other quirks from appearing, I've heard many complaints about Nearsighted and assume that's one of the reasons it appears so often. The way quirks are gained is changed starting from v2.71. Also, nearsighted gets changed in v2.75 to only affect girls in the backranks.
Additionally, the random generator wasn't 100% random due to a coding error, so that could also have something to do with it.
That... would do it honestly and yeah, and nearsighted, from the way its all too common to come up, is just too detrimental in its current state (and that 20% feels more like 40% when all of my girls keep suffering from it). I do look forward to v2.75 (or whatever future version comes) when it comes out.
On a different note, I'm partially thinking you could add 'Farsighted' to affect those in the front ranks to balance out 'Nearsighted' affecting only the back ranks and for the two to be mutually exclusive. Just that one's an issue in the front, and one's an issue for the back.
The stuff in "Progress Update" devlogs are Patreon only. Once a month all that new stuff gets bundled together as a public update. Quests will be available somewhere around New Year.
Game was running perfectly fine for a couple days and all of a sudden I can no longer see any character or monster sprites in dungeons. Any ideas on how to fix it? is there anyway to download it on a chromebook?
What was the last version that still worked for you? Or did it suddenly stop working without any version changes?
Also, it should be possible to play the downloadable Linux version on your Chromebook, there's a bunch of guides online on how to play Linux games on it.
It just stopped showing sprites suddenly, I am playing V2.7. I've tried clearing site cookies and removed my save data thinking it was something with that specific save but that did not fix it.
First of all, really great game, even with it's alpha state. Superb. I never thought I would donate to an erotic patreon, but your depraved skills are just that good, I may just have to. On just a gameplay basis, I think I actually like ero dungeon more than darkest dungeon. Let my feedback be proceeded by a choir of busty angels singing your praises. Here's my feedback (I'm drunk rn):
- I found my characters getting the curiosity crest far more than the other crests, which was a little disappointing. Variety is better. Similarly, I found all my girls got max submissiveness, then max desire, then their libido increased. I very very rarely saw masochism, or exhibitionism increase prior to those other desires maxing out. Again, variety in the girls would have been better.
- I noticed the crests would sometimes switch to a different type. I'd have preferred if they were a little more of a permanent feature of the girl, that I would have to keep in mind in the long term. It is a tattoo after all, they're permanent.
- The defensive enemies like the ratling paladin were a chore. If I didn't have three DPS classes, the fight would just drag on after I had taken out the other enemies. I lose interest in the fight once I know I'm going to win, and that the enemy isn't going to make my girls more lewd. This could be countered by preventing tank enemies from targeting them selves with healing and guarding, so that once the other enemies are dead, they can't drag on the fight. Or it could be that there is some erotic consequence to the fight dragging on, such that the enemies' turtling keeps me engaged. Or, you could just give every tank character a self destruct like the weakness scanner.
- On that note, I'm not really interested in fights without erotic enemies. A fight with just weakness scanners, or just guard robots doesn't activate my neurons.
- This is a more conceptual problem. Ero-witches had this issue as well. The game lacks climaxes. The affliction feature is a great start, but as an erotic game, I need periodic moments where the eroticism is pumped to the max, and I can think: "Damn that's hot, time to bust". As it stands, the game just maintains a very baseline eroticism throughout. Perhaps if erotic moments chained to multiple characters, or if the kidnapping only happened after characters had been afflicted several times, and each affliction happened with greater ease than the last. Other erotic games I've played that have done this well have had erotic mechanics that self reinforce, resulting in exponential erotic handicaps.
- The kidnapping feature is a stroke of brilliance, but it undercuts the eroticism too much by having your most afflicted girls disappear from the scene. Imagine a porno where the main girl that the camera has been focusing on just leaves half way through. It's a pressure release valve where the pressure should remain building for a little while longer. Once they're kidnapped, perhaps they could be visibly getting fucked in the background, until the fight ends, which would provide additional ero, while reminding the player of their failure, which is also ero.
- The kidnapping corruption didn't feel like a severe enough consequence. I felt too laid back about rescuing my girls. I felt like they might even get more corrupted while they were in my party than when they were kidnapped. That shouldn't be the case, they're in the belly of the beast!
- I'd prefer if the parasites had more erotic consequences, rather than just combat buffs and debuffs, and had some visible effect on the character model.
- I never actually saw a hypnotic suggestion triggered. I can't figure out how they occur. (more of a bug report)
- It might be nice (although this might be a tough ask) if the girls were primarily effected by one mechanic at a time. It would be great if I had one girl that was very effected by parasites, and one girl that was very effected by hypnosis, and one girl that was very effected by cursed items. Heterogeneity between girls would add texture to the game, where as it stands the girls start to become a little homogeneous. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to balance a mechanic like that though.
- Really liked the cursed classes system, but I found it to be by far the most dominant mechanic, that really overshadowed everything else happening to the girls. Here I have my warrior that I'm training up, and I'm enjoying her corruption as I try to make her stronger, all is great. Then bam, she loses her top in a dungeon, and now she's a cow girl, and her breasts are huge just like everyone else's, and me trying to get her to stop being a cow girl makes up her ark for the next few hours. God forbid you let her durability get low again, and now she's a maid, and I have to make her a veteran maid, AND a cow. Girls develop in my mind into their own distinct characters over time as I play with them, and as stories develop in my head from the gameplay, which the cursed classes could play into. However, the class changes stick around for so long, happen so frequently, and have such drastic consequences, that I end up with all my favorite characters rendered into useless novices for way too long. I want to delve deeper, fight harder dungeons, but I have to turn every single character into a veteran cow, maid, and prisoner before I can do that, because my girls' levels keep getting reset.
- I could do with less of the narrator undercutting my girls orgasms by asking what they're doing. I want to enjoy the moment, although the line is good as a joke now and again.
- Could you add a little more ero audio? Surely there are all manner of audio samples of moans and squirts available freely on the internet?
- During fights, I found myself jumping between character profiles constantly, to determine which development goals I could get during the fight, which was a little bit of a hassle. Some way for me to see the possible goals without viewing all the profiles one by one would be nice.
- I wouldn't mind cursed equipment sticking around for longer.
Damn, that was way too many bullet points. Please keep up the great game development, I will wait patiently to see how it grows!
You really need to make it so that tutorials only play once per game file, since every time I re-enter the game because the page reloaded or something, all the tutorials play again. or at least have an option to disable them/rewatch them in case you need a refresher.
I hail from the land of the Darkest Dungeoners. Anyways jokes aside, can I embed videos into the game play? I have never worked with godot engine before and am severely undecided whether to get into modding this game.
Not by simple modding. But it works in Godot itself using the VideoStreamPlayer node but only ogg theora files. You'd need to do some simple changes to the git repo (link in the Discord), but I have no problem merging code in such cases.
The game is not well optimized, it crashes a lot and even closes itself for any reason. When will the next update that will optimize the game come out?
On related note, I've also had more crashes as well since 2.7 and 2.7.2 update, compared to prior 2.6.x versions. I haven't been able to narrow down any specific cause. Can usually restart game, be back in the same battle turn and do same action and continue playing with no problem. Nice job on the save state / restart in same turn logic though
Ok, serious question - how are you supposed to uncurse the Enema Plug?
10% chance to get one stack of "plug icon" cramps per turn... needs 8 stacks to use the ability to trigger the uncurse. I've cleared multiple Veteran dungeons trying to take battles slowly, and at best only got up to 5 stacks by the end. Most often only 1-3 stacks. Do you just have to get really, really, reallllly lucky ?
Yes, the experience i listed of failing to uncurse it through multiple Veteran dungeon runs (5 tokens at best) was in Patreon 2.7.2
For that 5-token run, I spent so long in that dungeon run that everyone's gear was broken by the end (and a character that was 5/6 Goals and almost done with a 6th goal got fully curse class equipped as punishment for my stalling efforts. >.<)
Maybe I was just having terrible RNG luck, but after that terrible run I lost interest in trying another long stalling dungeon run.
(EDIT) - Ok, I went into another dungeon run, and I almost wonder if certain moves or buffs are interfering with Cramps.
Entered "BOOM!" battle with 2 or 3 stacks Cramps, after first two machines self-destructed and I destroyed 3rd, i spent 20 turns "Report for Duty" to on the Maid who had the Plug equipped. I think maybe I got one stack in those 20 turns.
After several minutes of not getting cramp stacks, I stopped using "Report for Duty" to stall and used "Wait" instead, and every turn after that got a stack of Cramps and once the forced cramp move. Practically instantly ready to "Expel" compared to the minutes of waiting before.
Either that was just really weird RNG .... or something in those 20+ turns was interfering with the plug stacking cramps debuff. (?)
I have a question, if cursed gear gets put on and to uncurse it requires some class level but you have that level but not the class selected does it uncurse it?
umm I think I'm stuck, one of my characters has the maid uniform but I accidentally put the cow piercings on her so the cow weapon was forced into her hands I got it uncursed but I can't get the maid uniform uncursed because I have to be maid class but I can't change to it because of the cow weapon, what do I do?
When it says clear dungeon does it mean by killing all of the enemies? because I went straight through a level with out attacking anything and it didn't count in
They provide passive morale bonuses/lust decay, so you don't have to do anything. You can upgrade them to create maid/wench jobs to increase those bonuses.
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
That's a browser issue. Either update it, use another one, or file a bug report with Itch. It should work on Firefox and Chromium based browsers. So you probably have a very old browser, or Safari.
For your consideration (current playing Windows Alpha 2.7.0 version).
With the change to a non-linear dungeon the old moral system doesn't work very well and is probably in need of an overhaul. Currently you can quite easily end up with zero moral just by walking around even before encountering any fights, especial early on with low difficult dungeons.
As a starting point I would suggest something like, for each new dungeon room you encounter cost 1 moral and for each fight encounter cost 8 moral (with curios coming back give them something in-between say 4 moral). In addition this can also be scaled against the dungeon difficult, so novice dungeons would be 1/4/8 moral; adept dungeons would be 2/6/12, veteran 3/8/16 and elite 4/10/20. (May also need to tweak the starting/base amount of moral and bonus moral from barracks/items.)
Alternatively more in line with the old system, you could only lose moral (think it used to be a base of 10) when you encounter a fight (and with curios coming back give them a smaller cost say 5), empty rooms would not cost you any moral.
Or you could take a completely different approach, and start with a large moral value (say 100+) and every step you take in the dungeon costs you 1 moral, (obviously this would also mean extra work having to update items/bonuses in line with the new moral scale).
P.S. Although better, still getting noticeable lag/freezing when casting Holy Bolt.
[Suggestion] Cursed gear that has not been unlocked, are still curse if a level three character equips it. Example: the maid set. If the character is a third level maid, the gear will force her to have to work as a maid in the barracks for X number of days.
Pets seem like an easy adjust. You could add pet slots in the barracks, which can boost morale.
Prisoners: have a prison. Characters that stay in the prison cause a negative effect on the morale. You can unlock guards slots to counter act this.
Cow and horse: A stable; where characters staying here will increase loot.
Tavern: Is wench going to be a class?
Mental ward: You have it where you unlock to lower the price. Have those be slots. Clerics give one percent while non-clerics another.
Training fields: I suggested moving the 'Goals Reroll' here. Make it like the 'Mental ward'. The character fits in a slot and you pay to change one of your goals. This lock the character till next run.
Enjoy the game and will purchase the full game when it comes out $per month always seemed a little pricy. Saw a Bug report down below and I think the paladins heal no longer works as indented per pray icon.
This game is fantastic! The gameplay flows pretty smooth, it seems to be updated regularly, the graphics are appealing, and it hits my hunger for corruption juuuuuust right! Kudos to you, good developer!
My only real question is how to advance the kinks (libido, exhibitionism, and masochism especially). I've had my prisoners run around with no clothes on and taunting the enemies to take as much damage as possible, but it almost feels like there's no way to increase the rate of corruption substantially.
And... yeah. That's all I have for now. Ero Dungeons is honestly one of the best games I've played in a while, and unlike Darkest Dungeon I don't have to worry about horrific death just because the virtual dice decided to screw me over. I love this game!
Exhibitionism is increased by taking durability damage. Libido by lust damage. Masochism by normal damage. Corruption is increased by wearing cursed items.
Okay, that makes a lot more sense and explains why certain party members have higher levels than others (masochism must be SLOW then, because I've had a Prisoner tank the majority of the damage in multiple dungeons back-to-back with minimal increase to the bar).
what does the "get afflicted" uncurse requirement mean? Does it mean get any debuff? or just specifically the debuff mentioned on the item, like the Stun given by the Dildo Pants?
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Will there be bosses in the game? if so, maybe it'd be like, for example, the ratkin boss drops a trinket that'd make the character into a ratkin, or a piece of a ratkin set (depending on if they can appear multiple times or are one time bosses like in Darkest Dungeon.), anyway, the ratkin class would make the character into a ratkin, and have skills reminiscent of the ratkin enemies you face...maybe, it's just an idea I have though. and it could also be the case for other bosses with the other species of enemies too. Like I said though, It's just an idea of mine. but boss trinkets (if there are bosses) I feel like would be a neat thing.
Honestly never played such a good free game. Only critic I have is the voice over. But its not that bad! All in all its a very solid game.
It's impressive that it even has voiceover tho 🤔
Not gonna lie, yeah many other games should have something like that but if you play it for like 2 hours it gets quite repetitive...
Couple things.
1. jesus christ your guys can just die too quickly to random stuff in the dungeon. found a chair, thought it might do some body mod thing like piercings or something...NOPE just fucking killed one of my best guys.
2.rescue missions needs a nerf. my team member who got kidnapped, 2 perks, spawned an EXPERT LEVEL MISSION...OK?!?!! WHY?!?!?! how am i supposed to reasonably gain strength if losing a team member is THAT harsh of a punishment.
3. speaking of which, growth goals......wow i freaking hate this system...kill 2 enemies, seems simple enough, but the unit itself has to deal the finishing kill. THATS what makes it bullshit. when stalling in this game to let that unit get a kill can lead to so much bullshit happening this needs to be reworked to where they just have to be in the party when the kill happens. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE DOT EFFECTS DO NOT COUNT AS A KILL EVEN IF THE PERSON WHO INFLICTED THE DOT IS THE ONE THAT NEEDED THE KILL
3b. also a lot of these stats for leveling up is enemy dependent....no...just...no....you know what you did? you made leveling up rng based, which is BEYOND terrible. cant ever level up that unit? fuck you, the enemy will not target you.
3c. growth goals that also rng roll into STARTING A TURN WITH A STATUS THEY CANNOT GAIN IS JUST.....DUDE COME ON!
there is a VERY good reason why EXP is a thing in rpgs instead of.....what ever this is...
4. very important one to end off on. IF I HAVE TO ABIDE BY THE FUCKING TARGET ORDER THAN ENEMIES SHOULD HAVE TO DO THE SAME!!!! I put the mage in the backline for a goddamned reason, why can certain enemies melee attack them?!?!
When I first saw what the dollification chair, it was clear it needed to be revamped. Anyone who knows what it does will be sure to avoid it, while anyone who doesn't is going to lose one of their characters permanently. It's essentially a giant noobtrap that risks a player dropping the game if they use it.
The third point is also a really good point. Levelling up characters is largely built for characters that deal raw damage, leaving some classes (most notably the cursed ones) extremely difficult to level up. Personally, I just reroll until I get better tasks like clearing dungeons.
What does the chair do? 🤔
instantly kills who ever you send to sit in it.
You mean they get kidnapped or actually disappear from the game?
(google translate, sorry)
The game is too difficult, after the “training” I went on to the next quest where the first group fucked me in all the cracks, the provocateur, the dog, the spider, they together are too strong, the provocateur always received 2-3 damage, and when the provocation took place, it was impossible to hit the dog who raped one of my squad because the spider took the damage.
Too, too much damage blocking, which makes it almost impossible to kill the enemy, honestly, even Durkest Dungeon seems easier than this game. But still, the game turned out not bad, I hope there will be some rebalancing and the addition of new goodies.
I also liked the music, it’s relaxing.
(donation for the console 💀)
Tips for working around those targets with extreme defense:
1) A certain cursed class (won't spoil which) has an ability that removes all defensive buffs on a target. Becomes problematic with speed timing since the target will continuously re-apply buffs at start of turn for free though.....
2) Damage Over Time effects aren't effected by defense buffs. (Burn, Bleed, Lust) Cleric's wide target Fire dmg/debuff is low damage, but hits all and builds up over repeated turns ....
Mage has two options for Burn as well, I think.
Noble and Warrior have attacks with Bleed.
That same cursed class above has two options for Lust damage over time. (1 direct skill, other is a specific weapon)
However, bear in mind an enemy dying to DoT effect doesn't seem to count for some (?) "Kill enemy" goals. ( maybe only certain types, haven't figured out yet )
Because of this, at least a mix of any two of Cleric, (cursed class with high speed), or Noble/Warrior (bleed attack) seem almost required in any party.
I've noticed that the chests that forcibly equip cursed gears are equipping things that I already have an infinite amount of, and more importantly equipping things like prisoner gear on characters who are elite prisoners. In version 2.7, this wouldn't have bothered me, but with the new uncurse criteria, you can't just take off cursed sets. It'd be nice if having being elite in a cursed class allowed you to just remove the corresponding gear.
It'd also be nice if there was a list of gears, weapons, quirks, etc. Maybe a library at the guild could have that?
How do i update? do i overwrite what i have and thats it? I hope that's how you do it, because i'm about to do that 😅
EDIT: I think it worked, but i have a "placeholder item" on my outfit inventory now. No idea what it was before.
Probably a mod item.
Can confirm it's not just "mod" items . I've not installed ANY mods, only Patreon release versions, but had the same "placeholder item" in my armor outfit inventory.
I couldn't recall offhand what was missing, but some armor from prior version appears to have been removed or changed. Something between Patreon 2.7.5 and 2.8 (in my case, specifically 2.8.1hotfix2)
Might be one of the straitjacket variants then. Those got merged together.
It was the horse set chest piece. I had two, now i noticed that i only have one.
Haven’t gone deep yet but here are my initial thoughts:
Curios in general are good. But some are rather disappointing. Primarily the ones where there is no good outcome, aside from perhaps leaving. There are some with ‘X% chance’ which I would love to see more of. A lot of the appeal of rogue-lite games is calculated risk and cost-benefit. You have a chance of something good so you take the risk, rather than just having to brute-force discover which options are entirely negative. The idea is great but more work is required.
Quests in early game are just a tutorial, which is fine.
Personalities… take a long time to become relevant. The class rework likewise.
Not a new thing but the update has highlighted it for me: the way gear works sucks.
At present there is essentially no point in ever deliberately equipping anything or keeping gear over gold and mana. Most non-cursed items are marginal and many cursed items are crippling. It simply isn’t worth paying any attention to item rewards rather than development quests. And the risk of getting a ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ abomination makes every equip a gamble with replacing your developed adventurer with a raw novice.
Suggestion: Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana. It will at least give a reason to try and gather items, even if they are cursed as it will eventually give some reward.
Side note: The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer. At this point I just dismiss any adventurer that gets such an item because getting to level 3 with any class is a massive undertaking and it is genuinely easier to just start from scratch rather than try to uncurse the girl.
"Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite.
"The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer" this is partially true (it depends on the class), just changing it to "reach level 2" would help a lot.
‘ "Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite. ‘
Calling an idea dumb is not the way to engage in discussion, it gives the impression you are only interested in being insulting rather than improving the game.
As to the actual point, infinite items can be changed.
Expanded suggestion: Remove the current infinite items system. Add the option to dismantle items for gold and mana. Once you have dismantled enough of a specific item you get a blueprint that allows you to spend gold and mana to make new ones.
You didn't even remember the items were infinite, so your idea was indeed dumb because you didn't put that much tought into it.
Also i have never seem someone get that offended by the word "dumb". I'm not calling you dumb, man, just the idea was dumb.
And your new idea is a lot better than the original, it could even be implement, but I'm not sure the dev is willing to change that.
I think gear from classes should be reworked since they can already brick characters, and as more are added, the problem is going to get worse. Personally, I think the gears should be uncursed when you clear X dungeons as the respective class (maybe the number of dungeons needed could be lowered as you become adept, veteran, elite to encourage further leveling up the character).
Game not loading. FF, Linux Mint.
still waiting on run dependencies: index.js:14111:18
dependency: wasm-instantiate index.js:14111:18
(end of list) index.js:14111:18
Probably related to https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/86382
2.80 is running on Manjaro.
It's still not loading in FF.
I can interact with the Curios, but they won't let me choose any option except the 'X' to get out of them (I've tried clicking with the mouse and arrow keys + enter key, and nothing happens).
Will add more as I play through the update :)
Edit #1: I need to click the character portraits, not the choices; I am a dumbass x_x
Edit #2: I love the new background for the forest! I don't know how, but it feels more fitting than the previous one did. However, I will say that I'm disappointed that you can't lock 'negative' hypnosis mantras and can only apply mantras that alter the personality of the girl being hypnotized. I somehow got an exhibitionism mantra on Aura (which was great since it builds up exhibitionism over time, which is INCREDIBLY difficult to manage by clothes breaking since no clothes typically leads to curse equips), but lost it around stage two exhibitionism. I also had my mage and all of her items turned into a doll, which was quite... unexpected and inconvenient, to say the least. Still, I am enjoying the curios and personalities, even if it's a little difficult to get the builds I want without hindering my progress substantially. I shall keep playing!
have a femboy/futa content?
Want to know how many items can be collected, and how many hasn't been collected in game.
I went to the discord and put some of the mods from there into the folder but I don't think that it's working since I don't see any of the things in the game
It might be a version issue. Try again with the public version that comes out next week.
Also, in the current public version (2.7) mods don't work on Linux. That will also be fixed then.
Also some of my items when I equip them they turn into something else and I have no idea why
That's called cursed equipment.
hi just wandering if people would like to share mods that they created because the game is great but time to time i get bored
A bunch of mods are shared in the Discord, there's a modding channel there.
Can i reduce the stats of a character in any way? i need less inteligence to use a cow move (dumb force) 🤔
EDIT: I see now that the nose ring is supposed to cap it, but something was overwriting it somehow. I still want to know if there's a way to lower the base stats tho
No. The only thing that works are equipment that caps the stat.
Is there any way to port this to android? This is the kind of stuff that i would play on my tablet for hours (i have no idea of how hard/complicated it is to port a godot game, that's why I'm asking).
In theory it isn't that hard to port, Godot allows for easy porting to android. The problem is that this would also require reworking the input since you can't rightclick or hover for tooltips. So as long as the UI isn't fixed, I'm not porting it.
Of course, if you want to do it yourself, the git repo is open source (link in the Discord) :)
I would have learn from scratch too much to be able to port it 😅
But I'm glad to know it's not impossible.
The hover tips do work, on other games you get them by long pressing. The real issue is the right click 🤔
I got an idea that might solve the right click issue. How about doing something similar to the context menu that appears in Trap Quest whenever you interact with something?
Like there's a crate, you touch the crate and a context menu with the hand hand symbol to open it and the magnifying glass to search the create (there's a third symbol to look at the create too).
A system similar to that could solve the issue, but it would also make the gameplay on pc one click slower, so it would need to be a toggleable option 🤔
well in idea i only want the android ports for chromebook. (already on mouse & keyboard)
Just so you know, patreon is banning a lot of Nsfw creators, I would recommend switching to subscribestar.
I already have a Subscribestar though?
Is that light mode? 😅
good to know, sweet
I would probably advertise patreon's nsfw ban on discord in order to get people to switch from patreon to subscribestar
4th line of text (on this web page) 🤔
First time making an account here.
So, gonna say that I do love playing this game a lot (since I haven't played Darkest Dungeon, but this game has me really liking the idea). I do honestly look forward to more things that are coming in.
Although, something that's kind of killing me right now is the fact that my girls keep getting Handsy and Nearsighted for Negative Quirks (the former one has some uses, but the latter one has become an outright nuisance to playing the game). I wouldn't mind so much, if not for the fact that they keep popping up 99% of the time after I go and complete the dungeons... especially Nearsighted which has been coming up onto to 85% or the girls that I have over at a near 100% chance.
I have to ask, are those negative traits tied to anything like say the desire weights or the afflictions, or are they suppose to happen at random...? The last time that I played this game on the site (when it was 2.6.7), Nearsighted didn't come nearly as much as it is now.
Edit: Oh, and Attractive has also been coming up too often (to where a lot of my girls have it), but I've been able to get by with that.
Some quirks prevent other quirks from appearing, I've heard many complaints about Nearsighted and assume that's one of the reasons it appears so often. The way quirks are gained is changed starting from v2.71. Also, nearsighted gets changed in v2.75 to only affect girls in the backranks.
Additionally, the random generator wasn't 100% random due to a coding error, so that could also have something to do with it.
That... would do it honestly and yeah, and nearsighted, from the way its all too common to come up, is just too detrimental in its current state (and that 20% feels more like 40% when all of my girls keep suffering from it). I do look forward to v2.75 (or whatever future version comes) when it comes out.
On a different note, I'm partially thinking you could add 'Farsighted' to affect those in the front ranks to balance out 'Nearsighted' affecting only the back ranks and for the two to be mutually exclusive. Just that one's an issue in the front, and one's an issue for the back.
I can't seem to access the new quests you mentioned in the latest update. Have they not been implemented yet, or are they only available on Patreon?
The stuff in "Progress Update" devlogs are Patreon only. Once a month all that new stuff gets bundled together as a public update. Quests will be available somewhere around New Year.
Ah, okay! Sorry for the misunderstanding. Now I REALLY can't wait for New Years! Thank you for the clarification :)
Erotic content aside the game is surprising fun to play. Will there eventually be any AB/DL content in this?
None planned. Unless people mod it in, it's unlikely to happen.
Game was running perfectly fine for a couple days and all of a sudden I can no longer see any character or monster sprites in dungeons. Any ideas on how to fix it? is there anyway to download it on a chromebook?
What was the last version that still worked for you?
Or did it suddenly stop working without any version changes?
Also, it should be possible to play the downloadable Linux version on your Chromebook, there's a bunch of guides online on how to play Linux games on it.
It just stopped showing sprites suddenly, I am playing V2.7. I've tried clearing site cookies and removed my save data thinking it was something with that specific save but that did not fix it.
First of all, really great game, even with it's alpha state. Superb. I never thought I would donate to an erotic patreon, but your depraved skills are just that good, I may just have to. On just a gameplay basis, I think I actually like ero dungeon more than darkest dungeon. Let my feedback be proceeded by a choir of busty angels singing your praises. Here's my feedback (I'm drunk rn):
- I found my characters getting the curiosity crest far more than the other crests, which was a little disappointing. Variety is better. Similarly, I found all my girls got max submissiveness, then max desire, then their libido increased. I very very rarely saw masochism, or exhibitionism increase prior to those other desires maxing out. Again, variety in the girls would have been better.
- I noticed the crests would sometimes switch to a different type. I'd have preferred if they were a little more of a permanent feature of the girl, that I would have to keep in mind in the long term. It is a tattoo after all, they're permanent.
- The defensive enemies like the ratling paladin were a chore. If I didn't have three DPS classes, the fight would just drag on after I had taken out the other enemies. I lose interest in the fight once I know I'm going to win, and that the enemy isn't going to make my girls more lewd. This could be countered by preventing tank enemies from targeting them selves with healing and guarding, so that once the other enemies are dead, they can't drag on the fight. Or it could be that there is some erotic consequence to the fight dragging on, such that the enemies' turtling keeps me engaged. Or, you could just give every tank character a self destruct like the weakness scanner.
- On that note, I'm not really interested in fights without erotic enemies. A fight with just weakness scanners, or just guard robots doesn't activate my neurons.
- This is a more conceptual problem. Ero-witches had this issue as well. The game lacks climaxes. The affliction feature is a great start, but as an erotic game, I need periodic moments where the eroticism is pumped to the max, and I can think: "Damn that's hot, time to bust". As it stands, the game just maintains a very baseline eroticism throughout. Perhaps if erotic moments chained to multiple characters, or if the kidnapping only happened after characters had been afflicted several times, and each affliction happened with greater ease than the last. Other erotic games I've played that have done this well have had erotic mechanics that self reinforce, resulting in exponential erotic handicaps.
- The kidnapping feature is a stroke of brilliance, but it undercuts the eroticism too much by having your most afflicted girls disappear from the scene. Imagine a porno where the main girl that the camera has been focusing on just leaves half way through. It's a pressure release valve where the pressure should remain building for a little while longer. Once they're kidnapped, perhaps they could be visibly getting fucked in the background, until the fight ends, which would provide additional ero, while reminding the player of their failure, which is also ero.
- The kidnapping corruption didn't feel like a severe enough consequence. I felt too laid back about rescuing my girls. I felt like they might even get more corrupted while they were in my party than when they were kidnapped. That shouldn't be the
case, they're in the belly of the beast!
- I'd prefer if the parasites had more erotic consequences, rather than just combat buffs and debuffs, and had some visible effect on the character model.
- I never actually saw a hypnotic suggestion triggered. I can't figure out how they occur. (more of a bug report)
- It might be nice (although this might be a tough ask) if the girls were primarily effected by one mechanic at a time. It would be great if I had one girl that was very effected by parasites, and one girl that was very effected by hypnosis, and one girl that was very effected by cursed items. Heterogeneity between girls would add texture to the game, where as it stands the girls start to become a little homogeneous. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to balance a mechanic like that though.
- Really liked the cursed classes system, but I found it to be by far the most dominant mechanic, that really overshadowed everything else happening to the girls. Here I have my warrior that I'm training up, and I'm enjoying her corruption as I try to make her stronger, all is great. Then bam, she loses her top in a dungeon, and now she's a cow girl, and her breasts are huge just like everyone else's, and me trying to get her to stop being a cow girl makes up her ark for the next few hours. God forbid you let her durability get low again, and now she's a maid, and I have to make her a veteran maid, AND a cow. Girls develop in my mind into their own distinct characters over time as I play with them, and as stories develop in my head from the gameplay, which the cursed classes could play into. However, the class changes stick around for so long, happen so frequently, and have such drastic consequences, that I end up with all my favorite characters rendered into useless novices for way too long. I want to delve deeper, fight harder dungeons, but I have to turn every single character into a veteran cow, maid, and prisoner before I can do that, because my girls' levels keep getting reset.
- I could do with less of the narrator undercutting my girls orgasms by asking what they're doing. I want to enjoy the moment, although the line is good as a joke now and again.
- Could you add a little more ero audio? Surely there are all manner of audio samples of moans and squirts available freely on the internet?
- During fights, I found myself jumping between character profiles constantly, to determine which development goals I could get during the fight, which was a little bit of a hassle. Some way for me to see the possible goals without viewing all the profiles one by one would be nice.
- I wouldn't mind cursed equipment sticking around for longer.
Damn, that was way too many bullet points. Please keep up the great game development, I will wait patiently to see how it grows!
You really need to make it so that tutorials only play once per game file, since every time I re-enter the game because the page reloaded or something, all the tutorials play again. or at least have an option to disable them/rewatch them in case you need a refresher.
can't you just disable it in the settings?
I hail from the land of the Darkest Dungeoners. Anyways jokes aside, can I embed videos into the game play? I have never worked with godot engine before and am severely undecided whether to get into modding this game.
Not by simple modding. But it works in Godot itself using the VideoStreamPlayer node but only ogg theora files. You'd need to do some simple changes to the git repo (link in the Discord), but I have no problem merging code in such cases.
thanks for the explanation. I will look into it and if I manage to think of something coherent I'll probably try to do it.
The game is not well optimized, it crashes a lot and even closes itself for any reason. When will the next update that will optimize the game come out?
Unlikely to ever happen. If your game keeps crashing it's probably due to Godot 4, and there's no way I can do anything about that.
On related note, I've also had more crashes as well since 2.7 and 2.7.2 update, compared to prior 2.6.x versions. I haven't been able to narrow down any specific cause. Can usually restart game, be back in the same battle turn and do same action and continue playing with no problem. Nice job on the save state / restart in same turn logic though
Ok, serious question - how are you supposed to uncurse the Enema Plug?
10% chance to get one stack of "plug icon" cramps per turn... needs 8 stacks to use the ability to trigger the uncurse. I've cleared multiple Veteran dungeons trying to take battles slowly, and at best only got up to 5 stacks by the end. Most often only 1-3 stacks.
Do you just have to get really, really, reallllly lucky ?
It's rebalanced in the newer versions, the chance of cramps is increased, as are the additional cramp chances.
Great, will look forward to the next Patreon update!
Are you already on one of the Patreon versions? In 2.72 it should be 10% base + 10% per cramps token, which makes it viable to unequip.
Yes, the experience i listed of failing to uncurse it through multiple Veteran dungeon runs (5 tokens at best) was in Patreon 2.7.2
For that 5-token run, I spent so long in that dungeon run that everyone's gear was broken by the end (and a character that was 5/6 Goals and almost done with a 6th goal got fully curse class equipped as punishment for my stalling efforts. >.<)
Maybe I was just having terrible RNG luck, but after that terrible run I lost interest in trying another long stalling dungeon run.
(EDIT) - Ok, I went into another dungeon run, and I almost wonder if certain moves or buffs are interfering with Cramps.
Entered "BOOM!" battle with 2 or 3 stacks Cramps, after first two machines self-destructed and I destroyed 3rd, i spent 20 turns "Report for Duty" to on the Maid who had the Plug equipped. I think maybe I got one stack in those 20 turns.
After several minutes of not getting cramp stacks, I stopped using "Report for Duty" to stall and used "Wait" instead, and every turn after that got a stack of Cramps and once the forced cramp move. Practically instantly ready to "Expel" compared to the minutes of waiting before.
Either that was just really weird RNG .... or something in those 20+ turns was interfering with the plug stacking cramps debuff. (?)
horbror music is a good call. Now, I want a video with subtitles to figure out the parts I am missing. (^_^)
Subtitles and music lore are included with the raw music files on the Patreon.
This brings up a big problem. How am I going to able to buy your game?
I have a question, if cursed gear gets put on and to uncurse it requires some class level but you have that level but not the class selected does it uncurse it?
umm I think I'm stuck, one of my characters has the maid uniform but I accidentally put the cow piercings on her so the cow weapon was forced into her hands I got it uncursed but I can't get the maid uniform uncursed because I have to be maid class but I can't change to it because of the cow weapon, what do I do?
Uncurse the cow piercings first, once she has no more cursed gear that forces the cow class you can reclass her.
ahhh yeah that did it thanks!
When it says clear dungeon does it mean by killing all of the enemies? because I went straight through a level with out attacking anything and it didn't count in
I might have figured out why its not counting
yup that was the problem I was on Novice dungeons not adept ones
How to use tavern and barracks?
They provide passive morale bonuses/lust decay, so you don't have to do anything. You can upgrade them to create maid/wench jobs to increase those bonuses.
What is the 'levels of class maid'? how do I increase it?
Turn your adventurer into the Maid class, then level her up.
hmm I try that after I finish this dungeon
how do i fix this error
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
That's a browser issue. Either update it, use another one, or file a bug report with Itch.
It should work on Firefox and Chromium based browsers. So you probably have a very old browser, or Safari.
i got a 2015 chromebook that cant update anymore lmao thanks for telling me
When you are selecting dungeons to go to how do you access the ones underneath the adventurers?
Use WASD or the Arrow Keys to move the map. Or pan with the middle mouse button.
ah there we go thanks!
oh my word and now I feel stupid because I actually managed to do that earlier and not realize and remember it
For your consideration (current playing Windows Alpha 2.7.0 version).
With the change to a non-linear dungeon the old moral system doesn't work very well and is probably in need of an overhaul. Currently you can quite easily end up with zero moral just by walking around even before encountering any fights, especial early on with low difficult dungeons.
As a starting point I would suggest something like, for each new dungeon room you encounter cost 1 moral and for each fight encounter cost 8 moral (with curios coming back give them something in-between say 4 moral). In addition this can also be scaled against the dungeon difficult, so novice dungeons would be 1/4/8 moral; adept dungeons would be 2/6/12, veteran 3/8/16 and elite 4/10/20. (May also need to tweak the starting/base amount of moral and bonus moral from barracks/items.)
Alternatively more in line with the old system, you could only lose moral (think it used to be a base of 10) when you encounter a fight (and with curios coming back give them a smaller cost say 5), empty rooms would not cost you any moral.
Or you could take a completely different approach, and start with a large moral value (say 100+) and every step you take in the dungeon costs you 1 moral, (obviously this would also mean extra work having to update items/bonuses in line with the new moral scale).
P.S. Although better, still getting noticeable lag/freezing when casting Holy Bolt.
[Suggestion] Cursed gear that has not been unlocked, are still curse if a level three character equips it. Example: the maid set. If the character is a third level maid, the gear will force her to have to work as a maid in the barracks for X number of days.
Pets seem like an easy adjust. You could add pet slots in the barracks, which can boost morale.
Prisoners: have a prison. Characters that stay in the prison cause a negative effect on the morale. You can unlock guards slots to counter act this.
Cow and horse: A stable; where characters staying here will increase loot.
Tavern: Is wench going to be a class?
Mental ward: You have it where you unlock to lower the price. Have those be slots. Clerics give one percent while non-clerics another.
Training fields: I suggested moving the 'Goals Reroll' here. Make it like the 'Mental ward'. The character fits in a slot and you pay to change one of your goals. This lock the character till next run.
Enjoy the game and will purchase the full game when it comes out $per month always seemed a little pricy. Saw a Bug report down below and I think the paladins heal no longer works as indented per pray icon.
[Suggestion] When character is covered in a cocoon, have 'wait' be an option.
This game is fantastic! The gameplay flows pretty smooth, it seems to be updated regularly, the graphics are appealing, and it hits my hunger for corruption juuuuuust right! Kudos to you, good developer!
My only real question is how to advance the kinks (libido, exhibitionism, and masochism especially). I've had my prisoners run around with no clothes on and taunting the enemies to take as much damage as possible, but it almost feels like there's no way to increase the rate of corruption substantially.
And... yeah. That's all I have for now. Ero Dungeons is honestly one of the best games I've played in a while, and unlike Darkest Dungeon I don't have to worry about horrific death just because the virtual dice decided to screw me over. I love this game!
Exhibitionism is increased by taking durability damage.
Libido by lust damage.
Masochism by normal damage.
Corruption is increased by wearing cursed items.
Okay, that makes a lot more sense and explains why certain party members have higher levels than others (masochism must be SLOW then, because I've had a Prisoner tank the majority of the damage in multiple dungeons back-to-back with minimal increase to the bar).
Thank you for the clarification!
what does the "get afflicted" uncurse requirement mean? Does it mean get any debuff? or just specifically the debuff mentioned on the item, like the Stun given by the Dildo Pants?
It's about the affliction you get when you reach 100 lust.