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How do i get someone to get the Horse clas


That's not yet available in the public version.

How do i get someone to get the Horse class? i got one with 4/2 Horse set, but she still stays a ranger.


That's not yet available in the public version.


It's interesting, but something needs to be done about the interface. It is completely unintuitive. 

What did you find unintuitive about it?


Genuinely surprised me with how much of a gem this is!
I was looking for a cheap bdsm themed ero game but this actually caught me with the gameplay first. Never played darkest dungeon, but Im certain its my type of game now.
I love how you implemented rpg status effects, cursed and mechanics as this lewd adventure. It can produce genuinely memorable moments. And when you mix it with DD's mechanics, it even got me attatched to some of the characters that need a rescue, pronto, lol.


Maybe i'm just bad at the game, but most of the non novice or adept dungeons are waaay to hard, its like, every time i enter, i at least lose 1 character, and half of the party has new cursed items.


Ignore all curios is my biggest piece of advice. Except for that, it's just about learning combat strategy and making sure you use the training hall to get all stats up to 10-12 at minimum, and the most important stats (strength or intelligence depending on class) up to 14-16. After you build up a good understanding of how to make good decisions in combat, and which enemies to prioritize killing, it's really quite easy, even in the most difficult dungeons.

When your team start to have their outfits destroyed, that's when the enemies can start to use Equip, and when everything can start to go downhill. Just... Hustle towards the exit as soon as that starts to occur.


It's a pretty fun game, and overall I'm very impressed with the amount of work/thought that's gone into the class system, even though it's (as advertised) a Darkest Dungeon clone. 

But to be honest it's just not very erotic. Many game-play elements come off more as silly rather than sexy(which isn't in itself a bad thing). It seems like you're targeting many highly specific fetishes(which may be the best/only viable avenue for monetization, which is unfortunate), but are missing out on some very basic and core aspects of sexuality. The most obvious thing is the lack of male characters, in both your adventurers and the enemies, which makes it difficult to feel any real sexual tension or take any of this seriously. It's not a good thing that the hottest action in the game is bestiality. Why not have male adventurers, and when they get aroused they're tempted to bang the monster girls. That's erotic. Or their female companions? That's really erotic. Currently most of the enemies don't do anything sexual... what's the point? I don't feel any danger facing them: it might be fun if I was trying to hard protect the chastity of my adventurer girls, trying to get my bros laid(or vice-versa), but that just isn't in the current combat system. 

I don't expect the game-play to be well balanced in an early access version, but I do expect you want feedback about it, and so I'll say that the combat is much too easy. I found several combinations which are overpowered: pink feather duster and dust storm on a maid(especially with boots of speed and a suntan-ring because you're pretty much guaranteed to give your whole party a turn before the enemies can do anything), hyper-focus visor with just about anything, the alchemist's cursed broom (surprisingly), and just the alchemist in general. I'm sure there are many more.

As other people have commented, there is a plague of 'anti-fun' game mechanics: random cursed equipment, forced class changes, curios with horrible effects. Some people have complained about the leveling system. I like it, personally, because it adds a degree of difficulty and planning to the combat, as well as making you try different strategies than you would otherwise go for. But some goals are clearly much easier than others, and a lot of thought needs to be put into balancing them. One obvious change is making it possible to re-roll specific goals rather than all of them at once. Also the ability to filter the adventurer roster by goals would do a lot to improve the ease of use, e.g. take a bunch of people who want to complete a lab mission on a lab mission. 

I like the idea of cursed equipment, but it should be rarer than it currently is. Right now it feels like it's mostly in the game to make it natural to pad out your barracks when half of your army is forced into being  a maid, but this makes the cursed equipment frustrating and tedious rather than fun. May I suggest implement a simple fatigue/wound system instead? Adventurers would be tired from going on a mission, and need a day or two to recover, or more if they were injured. The Long War mod for the first Firaxis XCom game does an exemplary job of this, where you have to balance between trying to develop an 'A team' of super soldiers by giving them as much experience as possible, developing a robust roster of decent soldiers that can handle the large number of easier/moderate missions, and saving your best soldiers for the difficult ones. There is A LOT you could pull from that game (specifically the Long War mod, mind you) that would drastically improve the strategical layer game-play loop.

I also like the idea of getting forced into a class, but it should be much more temporary than it currently is. Maybe even just one mission. It makes you do something different with a character for a while, which is a nice mix up, but not so long that you forget who they were before they put on the mask. Maybe have it so that every level you gain in a cursed class gives you a little bit of a permanent bonus. That makes the forced class much more of a welcome event, or at least an unwelcome event with a silver lining. 

I don't like the idea of having to get elite in every class to max out my soldiers, that sounds incredibly tedious and not fun. It's stupid to get an elite soldier, only for the most you can do with them is to change them into another novice class...  Maybe it would make sense for each soldier to have a single base class, and all cursed classes are sort of mix-ins with with varying positives and negatives as you level up? For example, you have a mage who gets cursed to be a cow-girl, so her breasts grow and intelligence goes down, but she has access to some cow-girl abilities while still retaining her mage abilities. That adds a whole new dimension of game-play in trying to mix your classes, while also giving you something to do with a adventurer maxed out in their base class. You could even add 'blessed' counterparts to 'cursed' classes, mix-in classes which the enemies don't force on you but you find as rewards.

Lust currently feels very underwhelming as a secondary damage mechanic, certainly compared to Darkest Dungeon. By default it basically does nothing, because the chance of getting clearheaded is about 100%. I've been able to basically ignore the affliction system in my play-through. I suggest making it closer to Darkest Dungeon's system, wherein at 100 lust you roll for a random affliction/virtue, and at 200 the adventurer abandons the party to join the enemies. Enemy's attacks, particularly the 'grapples', should have an increased chance of succeeding based on the amount of lust of the target. You'd have to give more classes lust healing skills to balance out the increased difficulty, but that just increases the ero-level: resistance is sexy, giving in is sexy.  

Whoa, I ended up writing a lot, and there are still a lot of things I'd like to say. Clearly I find the game interesting and fun and see a lot of potential, and judging by the amount of work you've put in, a good chance that potentially will be actually realized. There's already a good few hours of fun to be found, so if you're skimming through this on the fence of whether or not to play it, I'd highly recommend trying it.


I agree, I like the depth of mechanics and skills and everything, but it just needs more lewd stuff in my opinion


I can't believe how fun, sexy, and interesting this game is - and it's FREE and getting constant updates??? I didn't even LIKE Darkest Dungeon, and I am obsessed with this game!

An absolute blast, don't miss it!!

(1 edit)

Are there any plans to show muscular/fat versions of the characters? Maybe, height changes too? NVM about the Height changes I just found out about them yesterday.

Where is the save state for this game located?



I am really enjoying the game so far! The gameplay loop is simple but does make me work my brain when I enter higher level dungeons. The branching paths also make characters of the same class feel radically different from each other which is fun to play around with. 

I have however run into an small annoyance in that every time I load up the game the tutorial pop up will explain everything all over again. Is there anyway to stop this?


Does checking disable tutorials in the settings work?

It didn't remember I had disabled the tutorial setting :c So every time I load I will have to disable it in options


Strange, seems like your settings aren't getting saved correctly then. No idea what might cause it though.

Can confirm, "disable tutorials" and "hide subtitles" have to be checked every time it loads because they reset.


Esse jogo vai ter versão para Android?

(1 edit) (+2)

Somewhat soon, I'm working on an experimental Android version now.

I think I hit a bug with the yoke. My Warrior got hit with 4 different types of Prisoner Gear in a single dungeon, including the yoke. Back in town, I tried clicking "unequip all non-infinite gear" and a yoke was put into storage, but the warrior was still wearing hers. I clicked the button multiple times and kept getting copies of the yoke up until I got "infinite" yokes, but it was still equipped on her. Is there a way to take this off of her or is this a glitch?


This is a bug, but also working as intended in a way. You can't remove weapons, only replace them, so when you unequip the yoke it unequips it and replaces it with the default weapon of the class (another yoke).

Ahhh -- I see. Thank you. I am enjoying the game so far. Keep up the good work.


Really solid Darkest Dungeon clone overall, even if confusing at the start. It's pretty fun as just a game, which is rare for H games. The artstyle is simplistic, but gets the job done.

I just wish 90% of chest loot wasn't cursed junk with the uncurse requirements taking a dozen dungeons or sometimes outright being impossible on a certain character, but looks like that's getting addressed next update with new ways to remove curses, so that's nice.

That aside, I really love the cow class. Really wish at some point down the line we get larger breast sizes. If not for every character, then at least cows I feel should be able to reach crazier sizes. The max size is kinda tiny right now, but then again the perspective is definitely skewed because bust size on the chibi sprite that's used in most places is really disproportionate to the size shown on the one screen where full character art shows up.

...Also can't help but want to play as a Ratkin, they're pretty adorable. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for a "curse" to change someone into a Ratkin, so I can dream of a Ratkin cursed class someday.


On the topic of "it's confusing at the start", the UI could definitely use some changes and polishing in places.
It's really a guessing game of how many levels it takes for a character to go from novice to adept to veteran and so on, or what even counts as a "level" in the context of this game (It doesn't seem to be every skillpoint/goal completed)
Character "levels" don't even show up anywhere to my knowledge, when it would be helpful if it was a number somewhere next to their class and rank.
Some uncurse goals are also worded in strange ways, like the spend 3 days as a maid job one, which appears on cursed maid equipment. What it means is actually just spending 3 days working at a tavern as a maid, and has nothing to do with the maid class or needing to switch to it.
It's confusing when two completely different things have identical names.

It would also be really helpful if you could rightclick or something when viewing an ability to "suspend" the description window, and hover over the tokens in it to see what they do rather than having to back out into the help window that shows all tokens and their effects. It's not a major problem, but it would save a lot of time navigating menus imo.

Really like this game, even if many say it is too hard, it feels like it became easier with the update? I was so shocked wenn i used the first time the deadly stool atleast i made a new save bevor and was just on day 4 so i restarted. Will there be a possibility to turn puppets (also the one you can find) back into people and maybe the possibility to catch enemys and let them fight for you?  Thank you very much.


I do really like this game, I think the only problem is the cursed armor. I had a veteran prisoner, 3 points away from either permanent or freedom, but then the enemy just equipped cow set, and now she's a cow. It was honestly really annoying how you can just lose that much progress.

maybe u can make her become The King's AvatarXD  full level prisoner full level cow

full level pet

(4 edits) (-1)

I dont know if i should ask this question,but i will ask, will this game have a apk or android test version, like you are doing with Mac?


Working on it



Been playing version 2.8 for a while now.

- Hidden curses should not show up in the heroes goal list. I know my "one to all" crown has a curse that it triggered when the hero reaches level 4, so I can easily avoid wearing it when I'm close to that level.

- The mimics also show up when you interact with them, before you try to loot the chest. Better just make a chest curious, with a probability that it is a mimic. Thus, you would get information like "20% loot, 70% nothing happens, 10% cursed item".

- The lust system is balanced a little bit better, still I only reach high values in submission. Maybe this is due to my play style, I tend to kill fast, but I love to try new items, and cursed items can be really sticky.

- I really like the new personality/quirk system, feels much better than the old one.

(1 edit) (+1)

The first two are fixed by now in v2.83, mimics pretend to be normal chests, and the hidden items are correctly hidden.
The lust system needs some balance, like many other things in the game. It will happen eventually.
And thanks!

Not sure if this intended, items which force moves, such as the warrior armbinder or the cocoon panties prevent you from using the wait action.

(1 edit) (+1)

That's intended so you can't just wait instead of using those moves.


is it possible to redo the character leveling system for experience for killing enemies , otherwise the level of heroes does not increase at all with certain requirements and it becomes impossible to get rid of cursed things

one relatively minor disgruntlement in addition to the balance issues everyone else mentioned: the training/help is missing key things, most notably the stats you can advance with training. In addition to including it there, it would be nice to have a mouseover popup on main window icons like for the items in the hero sidebar. The muscular arm is obvious, the book slightly less so (is it mage, cleric, or both) but the other two are incomprehensible to me

How come only the mac version updated to v2.8.2?

The Mac version is new. No Mac versions before 2.8.2 exist, yet I still want people to be able to test whether it actually works.

Where do inventory items go? Completed a dungeon, but next all outfits unequipped disappeared. Is that normal? Also, on quest completion, I got a bondage suit,I have no idea where to equip it.

They are in the guild inventory. While in the guild, right click an adventurer and then go to her equipment page to see all equipment you have.


Curse items need to be reworked or breaking it needs to be more lenient. Got prisoner when character had barely been hit and got prisoner set and i have a condition to reach lv 3 in prisoner to break it (just 1 cursed item). Leveling prisoner by killing 20 enemies take 100 damage and  clear 2 dungeon? Might as well scrap my strongest character. (she got 4 set instantly). Could you implement an inventory system having everything sold instantly what is the point of item loot when i can't even check my loot??? A suggestion i would like to add is adding subclasses like victim/assaulter where we get to grapple the enemy or when we are grappled we get an option to lv it up letting us last longer or survive. Just let it override the skill option like how the curse item overrides some classes once they receive enough curse items.

(2 edits)

So first of all, you can cycle the really difficult goals by changing goals in the class menu for 30 mana. Besides, being mindful of your squad's clothes durability also helps, since they can only equip when the clothes are broken.
Secondly, i'm not aware of what you mean by selling loot instantly, the gems are a more efficient way to carry money in dungeon since one gold stack caps at 1750 (to put in perspective a stack of five 500gold gems values up to 2500, allowing you to bring back 750 more gold than regular gold would have, and it gets better with more valuable gems). So i don't get the idea there. Taking back seemingly useless equipment also helps, since for each 4 item of the same thing, they become an infinite stack and stop appearing in the loot pool, same for cursed items (though, you do need uncurse them first). 

(2 edits)

Hmm not sure as i don't see it or not but the quest rewards a ring and i have no way or more specifically speaking where is the inventory to switch gears after the quest?  (main problem to my complaint since i am given the illusion that all my gear/potion/healing stuff is sold/converted) I must have missed the changing goals since i usually spend circle/mana trying to find where to change the goal itself by buying more shops upgrades and so on. Also will we get to grapple enemies in the future or only us are the targets of grapple. Overall this would have been a game i enjoy but minor details bother me a lot and not enough adult content at the moment to garner further interest.


Rings and accessories alike are equipped on the last three slots, even the reddened slots (the colour is just used to indicate an empty slot, i think), you can just click on them, or an existing equipment and select an accessory. 
Regarding the more grapple enemy idea, they added a slime that can do that in the patreon version, which will come to public eventually (as far as im aware of). So i guess yes?

I feel like it would be a good idea to be able to remove cursed items in town, but at a high cost (potentially raising the cost even higher the more you remove, dropping slowly over time). So removing just one class-specific item would be costly, but not impossible, but if your character gets stuck with a full set, then sorry, but you'll just have to deal with it :)

(1 edit) (+5)

I know there is likely more enemy variety coming down the road, but I really hope to see more grappling enemies to give my girls some cock 😋

not sure if this is a bug but in the browser version here DOT (i only noticed one instance and it was a bleed) kills did not contribute to kill enemy of type (machine to be specific and yes bleed was effective on machine and maybe it should not have been but still) personal development goal which is rather annoying since that implies it would also affect kill enemies goals and that was with a novice rogue which kind of depend on bleeds early on


No, it works like that on the download version as well. There are 2 kinda of killing missions, the "kill" ones that need the character to finish the enemy and the "defeat" ones that only need for the character to see the enemy dying.

DOT counts on "defeat" missions, but not on "kill" missions.

Help please. The game starts, but a black screen constantly appears, there is sound

Most likely your pc doesn't support the renderer used by Godot (GLES3). You can try updating your drivers, but it's also possible there's nothing you can do.

(1 edit) (+3)

Gameplay loop really makes you want to do that 'one more' expidition. Really liked the idea with the 'narrator' although the acting could be a little more on point.

The mercenaries info pages can be a little overwhelming, haven't looked that well in the personality page yet.


I'm pretty impressed by how much work has gone into this.  There's a lot of depth.  Good job.


pretty fun rpg game, confusing asf but u can get on with it

very quickly got softlocked by 2 protection units healing and protecting each other. frustrating as no combination of tactics would allow me to make any progress so I had to abandon the mission. Overall super fun though

i mean, the game says u can quit up anytime, also u could improve in speed and vulnerability moves or Daze effect to avoid that situation

Its not even really a problem with the game, just not enough damage output. did convince me to start playing the og again thoug


Ok, just giving some advices, even tho im noob xd

(1 edit)

This happened to me once. I don't remember what did i do to beat it, but i do remember that the fight lasted at least half an hour. This IS a bug and shouldn't be happening.


Yeah, they got nerfed in 2.81 to only guard at most every other turn, so they don't keep stacking block tokens.


Really good game even in this early alpha state. One comment I have from  my experiences is that the lab enemies are far more dangerous than the other two sets.  Probably an entire difficulty level higher in comparison.  By contrast the spiders don't seem dangerous at all even in elite dungeons. I sent a fresh group of novices with no supplies into an elite spider dungeon and made it to the exit, pretty much just by spamming basic attacks.  They need to actually attack you, not sit there and guard each other.

I think part of it is dungeon size.
Labs are small and dense, while Caverns are large with potential dead ends.
Although, passive healing and no penalty for low morale makes me feel like the larger dungeons don't meaningfully challenge through attrition.

(1 edit) (+3)

please import/export save for both web and download versions

Will there be bosses in the game? if so, maybe it'd be like, for example, the ratkin boss drops a trinket that'd make the character into a ratkin, or a piece of a ratkin set (depending on if they can appear multiple times or are one time bosses like in Darkest Dungeon.), anyway, the ratkin class would make the character into a ratkin, and have skills reminiscent of the ratkin enemies you face...maybe, it's just an idea I have though. and it could also be the case for other bosses with the other species of enemies too. Like I said though, It's just an idea of mine. but boss trinkets (if there are bosses) I feel like would be a neat thing.


Honestly never played such a good free game. Only critic I have is the voice over. But its not that bad! All in all its a very solid game.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's impressive that it even has voiceover tho 🤔


Not gonna lie, yeah many other games should have something like that but if you play it for like 2 hours it gets quite repetitive...

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Couple things.

1. jesus christ your guys can just die too quickly to random stuff in the dungeon. found a chair, thought it might do some body mod thing like piercings or something...NOPE just fucking killed one of my best guys.

2.rescue missions needs a nerf. my team member who got kidnapped, 2 perks, spawned an EXPERT LEVEL MISSION...OK?!?!! WHY?!?!?! how am i supposed to reasonably gain strength if losing a team member is THAT harsh of a punishment. 

3. speaking of which, growth i freaking hate this system...kill 2 enemies, seems simple enough, but the unit itself has to deal the finishing kill. THATS what makes it bullshit. when stalling in this game to let that unit get a kill can lead to so much bullshit happening this needs to be reworked to where they just have to be in the party when the kill happens. THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT BECAUSE DOT EFFECTS DO NOT COUNT AS A KILL EVEN IF THE PERSON WHO INFLICTED THE DOT IS THE ONE THAT NEEDED THE KILL

3b. also a lot of these stats for leveling up is enemy know what you did? you made leveling up rng based, which is BEYOND terrible. cant ever level up that unit? fuck you, the enemy will not target you. 

3c. growth goals that also rng roll into STARTING A TURN WITH A STATUS THEY CANNOT GAIN IS JUST.....DUDE COME ON!

there is a VERY good reason why EXP is a thing in rpgs instead of.....what ever this is... 

4. very important one to end off on. IF I HAVE TO ABIDE BY THE FUCKING TARGET ORDER THAN ENEMIES SHOULD HAVE TO DO THE SAME!!!! I put the mage in the backline for a goddamned reason, why can certain enemies melee attack them?!?!


When I first saw what the dollification chair, it was clear it needed to be revamped. Anyone who knows what it does will be sure to avoid it, while anyone who doesn't  is going to lose one of their characters permanently. It's essentially a giant noobtrap that risks a player dropping the game if they use it.

The third point is also a really good point. Levelling up characters is largely built for characters that deal raw damage, leaving some classes (most notably the cursed ones) extremely difficult to level up. Personally, I just reroll until I get better tasks like clearing dungeons.

What does the chair do? 🤔


instantly kills who ever you send to sit in it.

You mean they get kidnapped or actually disappear from the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

(google translate, sorry)

The game is too difficult, after the “training” I went on to the next quest where the first group fucked me in all the cracks, the provocateur, the dog, the spider, they together are too strong, the provocateur always received 2-3 damage, and when the provocation took place, it was impossible to hit the dog who raped one of my squad because the spider took the damage.

Too, too much damage blocking, which makes it almost impossible to kill the enemy, honestly, even Durkest Dungeon seems easier than this game. But still, the game turned out not bad, I hope there will be some rebalancing and the addition of new goodies.

I also liked the music, it’s relaxing.

(donation for the console 💀)

Tips for working around those targets with extreme defense:

1) A certain cursed class (won't spoil which) has an ability that removes all defensive buffs on a target. Becomes problematic with speed timing since the target will continuously re-apply buffs at start of turn for free though.....

2) Damage Over Time effects aren't effected by defense buffs. (Burn, Bleed, Lust) Cleric's wide target Fire dmg/debuff is low damage, but hits all and builds up over repeated turns ....
Mage has two options for Burn as well, I think.
Noble and Warrior have attacks with Bleed. 
That same cursed class above has two options for Lust damage over time. (1 direct skill, other is a specific weapon)

However, bear in mind an enemy dying to DoT effect doesn't seem to count for some (?) "Kill enemy" goals. ( maybe only certain types, haven't figured out yet )

Because of this, at least a mix of any two of Cleric,  (cursed class with high speed), or Noble/Warrior (bleed attack) seem almost required in any party.


I've noticed that the chests that forcibly equip cursed gears are equipping things that I already have an infinite amount of, and more importantly equipping things like prisoner gear on characters who are elite prisoners. In version 2.7, this wouldn't have bothered me, but with the new uncurse criteria, you can't just take off cursed sets. It'd be nice if having being elite in a cursed class allowed you to just remove the corresponding gear.

It'd also be nice if there was a list of gears, weapons, quirks, etc. Maybe a library at the guild could have that?

(1 edit)

How do i update? do i overwrite what i have and thats it? I hope that's how you do it, because i'm about to do that 😅

EDIT: I think it worked, but i have a "placeholder item" on my outfit inventory now. No idea what it was before.

Probably a mod item.

Can confirm it's not just "mod" items . I've not installed ANY mods, only Patreon release versions, but had the same "placeholder item" in my armor outfit inventory. 

I couldn't recall offhand what was missing, but some armor from prior version appears to have been removed or changed. Something between Patreon 2.7.5 and 2.8 (in my case, specifically 2.8.1hotfix2)

Might be one of the straitjacket variants then. Those got merged together.

It was the horse set chest piece. I had two, now i noticed that i only have one.

Haven’t gone deep yet but here are my initial thoughts:

Curios in general are good. But some are rather disappointing. Primarily the ones where there is no good outcome, aside from perhaps leaving. There are some with ‘X% chance’ which I would love to see more of. A lot of the appeal of rogue-lite games is calculated risk and cost-benefit. You have a chance of something good so you take the risk, rather than just having to brute-force discover which options are entirely negative. The idea is great but more work is required.

Quests in early game are just a tutorial, which is fine.

Personalities… take a long time to become relevant. The class rework likewise.

Not a new thing but the update has highlighted it for me: the way gear works sucks.

At present there is essentially no point in ever deliberately equipping anything or keeping gear over gold and mana. Most non-cursed items are marginal and many cursed items are crippling. It simply isn’t worth paying any attention to item rewards rather than development quests. And the risk of getting a ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ abomination makes every equip a gamble with replacing your developed adventurer with a raw novice.

Suggestion: Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana. It will at least give a reason to try and gather items, even if they are cursed as it will eventually give some reward.

Side note: The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer. At this point I just dismiss any adventurer that gets such an item because getting to level 3 with any class is a massive undertaking and it is genuinely easier to just start from scratch rather than try to uncurse the girl.

"Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite.

"The ‘reach level 3 in [class] to uncurse’ items continue to be an enjoyment killer" this is partially true (it depends on the class), just changing it to "reach level 2" would help a lot.

"Implement a way to sell items for gold and mana" This is dumb, as you can make items infinite.

Calling an idea dumb is not the way to engage in discussion, it gives the impression you are only interested in being insulting rather than improving the game.

As to the actual point, infinite items can be changed.

Expanded suggestion: Remove the current infinite items system. Add the option to dismantle items for gold and mana. Once you have dismantled enough of a specific item you get a blueprint that allows you to spend gold and mana to make new ones.

You didn't even remember the items were infinite, so your idea was indeed dumb because you didn't put that much tought into it.

Also i have never seem someone get that offended by the word "dumb". I'm not calling you dumb, man, just the idea was dumb.

And your new idea is a lot better than the original, it could even be implement, but I'm not sure the dev is willing to change that.


I think gear from classes should be reworked since they can already brick characters, and as more are added, the problem is going to get worse. Personally, I think the gears should be uncursed when you clear X dungeons as the respective class (maybe the number of dungeons needed could be lowered as you become adept, veteran, elite to encourage further leveling up the character).

Game not loading. FF, Linux Mint.

still waiting on run dependencies: index.js:14111:18

dependency: wasm-instantiate index.js:14111:18

(end of list) index.js:14111:18

Probably related to

2.80 is running on Manjaro.

It's still not loading in FF.

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