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how to activate tokens?

they're status effects, read either an adventurer's or enemy's abilities and check what they can inflict


What does the dollmaker do? I have been considering turning an adventurer into a doll for completionist's sake, but I've heard that it can kill off an adventurer and I'm scared it will take more than it gives.

also what's with the condoms in the provision's menu? (imagine reading that with no context XD)


It turns the girl into a doll of a type matching her class. It's the same dolls that you can find in the mystery doll boxes, makes you wonder where those dolls come from. 

(1 edit) (+1)

that's honestly quite morbid, both lore implications and gameplay wise. I thought it would simply give them a unique trait/quirk that changes her role entirely. Thanks for the heads up.


In your pervious game Ero Witches you had Futanari content. Any chance we could see a Futanari curse class or some Futanari enemies?

I'm pretty sure Madodev stated that Futa content isn't being considered a while back. Even if it were, I'm not sure how it would be implemented, grappler enemies? Maybe have some humans, slimes, and ratkin spawn as futa to grapple your party members, but that may ruin the flow. Cursed class? The only cases I can see are to grapple enemies, (kinda pointless,) or granting some kind of powerful support abilities that grow desires and crests as a trade off which doesn't sound like it can be balanced, ala spawners in Clash Royale.

Something can be done with the enemies, like having a futa variant with different grapple animations, i remind you that this is a porn game 🤔

The "that might run the flow" part sounds like you just don't like that type of content, in which case there's already an option in the menu to block/hide content you don't like.

1.03 квесты чтобы снять новые предметы из обновления (1.03) не зашитаваются




Hey Dev, do you like werewolves at all? if so, that could be a neat class, the enemy being alpha werewolves, or just werewolves in general, who turn our adventurers into omega werewolves/bitches. either way, would probably force them into heat, and would turn them into werewolves as you would expect, they'd probably do good physical damage, at the least. but they'd also be very wild and chaotic, and well, be wolves. humanoid wolves.

the character textures are buggy, this happens because my computer is rubbish or there is another reason

Heya so I have the ram and arm64-v8a but the apk just says "app not installed". Any idea on possible causes and fixes?


sounds like you are trying to install the wrong version for you phone/tablet.

How can I cure latex?

Use the wait action

not working


If you're talking about the latex in the boss dungeon, you can find a cure in that dungeon.




the demo freezes on firefox as soon as i reach the 2nd room with the enemies in it and they notice me

Something very strange has happened.

My cleric turned into a paladin.  Not all the way; she's still a cleric, but she has most of the paladin moves listed alongside her cleric moves.

She's a level 19 cleric, which every skill before the permanent skill selected.  She appears to have every cleric move, but only most of the paladin moves; specifically, she has Bless Weapon, Pray, Faith's Blessing, Holy Light, Communal Prayer, and Illuminate.

As paladin moves are better than cleric moves, I'm going to be picking those.  (But this is probably a bug.)


That was literally mentioned in one of the recent blogposts, it's a feature of one of the cleric's weapons.


Oh, the +20/+10 mace got changed to that!  I see.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, I just wanted to let you know about two (or three?) bugs I found:

  • The biggest one I found seems to be related to any weapon that adds moves to a character, in which swapping the item while those added moves are selected will not "release" the moves from the character. As such a move slot remains hidden, unable to be deselected. I did a test with a sword of fireball (Equipped sword to warrior, selected move fireball, unequipped sword: fireball was no longer visible, but it still counted towards my move total). I found that the move still exists in combat, so this enabled me to have a warrior with the move fireball without the Sword of Fireball debuff of being set on fire. (I was able to see the same menu behavior with a Mace of Justice, though I didn't test that in combat.)
    • EDIT: Ah, I just checked and saw that this was in the Patch 1.04 BugFixes.
  • The other bug was just the Condom Bodysuit having the word "PARAM" instead of a number. Also, not sure if this is intended or not, but after the suit spawned some condoms, at the end of the mission, I thought I would have those added to my provisions inventory, but that was not the case. However, I'm not sure if this part is a bug or not.
  • This one I'm unsure of, but I think when I dismissed a girl who had on a necklace, the necklace wasn't returned to me. I'm not sure if this happened with a kidnapped girl and the gear she had as well. 

I've also got two quick questions: 

  • Are the blue (x#) meant to be the indicator for token affecting a multiplier? If so, those may be bugged to just say one; I'm not sure if they're just not updating on this display.
  • I've noticed that Block and Vulnerability tokens don't affect the Durability damage done, and I'm just wondering if that's intentional. 

And I'd like to say thank you for making this. Lewd elements aside, this is just a fun game.  And this update, 1.03 is very enjoyable; I'm having fun looking for new weapons. I haven't tried this yet, but I noticed that one of the new Paladin spears gives a move with "self forward 1" for when in the Ranks 3 &4. (4-3-2-1). I was wondering what I would do with that, when I realized it could be useful if I used rogues or nobles who revolve around moving about; This new weapon should make it easier for a Paladin (typically a front line fighter) to be able to work better with them as the weapon helps get her back to the front. 

Good day to you. And good work!

hello I have a problem with the quests when ever I comfirm a quest after a day past in the game it doesnt give me the reward, and I dont know why

You have to collect the quests manually to receive the reward.

Though there was also a bug pre-Beta 1.03 where new quests could sometimes overwrite previous ones.

I feel like it could be cool if an adventurer was corrupted wholly, they get turned into a monstrous form, and are still rescuable, but of course their new forms give them new drawbacks, but also potential buffs, depending on what they become (probably based on what crests and personality they got). also would be neat if demons were in the game, probably the ones that cause humans who become wholly corrupted to match their inside to their outside (meaning they aren't necessarily evil, but certainly not something humans would like either...) . it's not like they'd lose their memories or sense of self or anything, unless you wished that to be the case, mainly that their corrupt inside now matches how they look on the outside, just my opinion. probably would coincide with what crest they focus on, like servitude with spiders since iirc spidergirls are the ones who try to make people more servitude focused. probably the monsterization would happen most commonly if someone is captured for a long period of time, though it probably isn't impossible to happen in other ways. could be something a boss inflicts if you do something that's been explained in the lore that the boss has control over. like if a boss were a rancher robot, with the cowgirls, though that was just an example I thought of. 

(1 edit)

Hey, im playing on mobile as my motherboard for my pc fractured. How do you shift click on mobile?

In the dungeons you can click the trashcan button under the inventory to enter delete mode. Clicking items will then mark them for deletion.

There isn't a way to permanently delete items in the guild yet though.

hi i just want to ask how do you get favor points 

Complete quests.


Hello, I recently came across your game, and I was pleasantly surprised, I really liked your game, but so far I find it very crude and difficult in some aspects, but I will follow the updates, and I hope that the game will turn out great, I wish you  good luck to you😊(sorry if something, i don't good in English)



Dungeons can spawn with no exits to the starting room.

This should be fixed by now (it was a problem in Alpha 2.99), though older dungeons (for example created for quests may still be uncompletable).

Yeah, that's it. It was a cavern mission from those daily quests.

(1 edit)

Is there a way to check gear and effects on android? I keep taping them to check but it either does nothing or equips things I just want to check.

You have to click on the phone button on top, and then on the magnifying glass. That will shift to a mode where clicking stuff causes a tooltip to pop up.

ok, thanks


futa would be cool to have in this

plz korean in apk

Korean should already be included in apk though


fixed already!


When will you translate the new content? My English is poor so I can't understand the new content


Unfortunately I don't translate anything, so I'm at the mercy of volunteers on the Discord...

Are you planning on porting the android version to a diffirent architecture? It would be pretty cool

i was wondering on how to increase the stuff in the area where it shows like different boob sizes and desire how would i go about increasing that stuff or is it locked on that character?

Main desire can be increased passively when other desires are high enough or when wearing Bunny set gear. It's also increases when an adventurer gets the "Clearheaded" or "Denied" affliction after lust damage is maxed and goes down while under the other afflictions.

Boob size is mainly changed by Cow set gear as it is integral to their class's functionality (wearing 3 pieces forces a class change so be careful.) it can also be changed in the hospital directly for free once you unlock it.

All afflictions aside from "Clearheaded" and "Denied" have a chance to force an adventurer to orgasm, this gives them a status effect that reduces speed and increases damage taken.

Submission is raised by wearing cursed gear. Its affliction disables damaging moves.

Exhibitionism is raised when armor is damaged. Its affliction forces your adventurer to strip herself or others.

Masochism is raised by taking damage. Its affliction occasionally forces taunt and guarding tokens and your adventurer's attacks will deal half damage to herself.

Libido is raised by taking Lust damage. Its affliction forces your adventurer to molest other adventurers.

Sometimes, while dungeoneering, I find an item that I already have infinite of.  Invariably, this turns out to be a cursed item that simply isn't revealed.  However, it doesn't have the usual "?" symbol for an unrevealed item; it looks identical to a safe, revealed infinite item, except for the detail that it doesn't merge with the other infinite items when I get back to camp.

I'm pretty sure this is unintended.

(1 edit)

Particularly strangely... after the update, I now have five infinite "Sword+1"s, but I don't actually have an infinite set of "Sword+1"s.  I equipped one of those five "Sword+1"s and it turned out to be cursed.

(EDIT: No, I did have an infinite set.  It was just sorted to the end of the list, so I didn't notice the "Inf" indicator.)

Finally android update

Personal development goal "Start combat at rank 1"

 I don't understand and don't know how to complete it, rank is nowhere to found in combat UI. Neither guide nor tutorial explain it.


When in combat Rank 1 is the right most slot and Rank 4 is the left most slot

I see, thanks.

Thought it's some skill level or dungeon difficulty.

I'm finding that paladins, mages and alchemists are far more powerful than the other non-cursed classes.  My nobles and rogues are feeling more 'cursed' than my maids and cows.  (Though, the "Pet" cursed class seems to be remarkably weak even for a cursed class.)

My ideal party is a paladin, a mage, an alchemist and a maid.  (Yes, maids are that good.  Especially if it's Homura.)

I'll try your party when I get the new set of maid armor btw my team is 2 warriors and 2 Cleric

(1 edit)

I should acknowledge... I don't actually use my ideal party.  It's great for winning fights, but my goal is usually to level up characters, which tends to mean I use just the paladin and the maid while the other party slots are occupied by rubbish characters that I'm trying to level.

But... to clarify some things about my ideal party:

- The paladin needs Flagellate and Faith's Blessing.  This lets her heal the entire party for 9 HP per turn, which no other class can keep up with.  If you don't need quite that much healing, then the paladin can also Smite for heavy damage.  (Minimum level: 3)

- The mage needs Flashfire.  (Minimum level: 6)  While climbing levels, she can make do with Firestream, but that's much less impressive.

- The maid needs Dust Storm, and must equip the pink feather duster.  (Minimum level: 5)  Conveniently, maids you find in dungeons start at level 7, meaning they can also take Quick Service and outspeed the Alchemist.  This is good because the maid excels at removing all the enemy block tokens, which the alchemist has trouble dealing with.

- The Alchemist works pretty well from the start, but it's very worth getting her to level 4 for Swiftburn Powder.  A level 4 or higher alchemist can sometimes open the fight by killing 3 enemies before they get a turn.

I'd like to correct you on one thing: The cow with excess lactation can easily keep up with the paladin's healing, while also having access to heal burst to neutralize DoTs.

You shouldn't risk 2 clerics at the same time. You can also heal with mages, paladins an cows.

even slaves are stronger than nobles and rogues lol

Prisoners?  Yeah, they're pretty good.  Excellent tanks, with some useful buffs and the helpful ability to increase their own lust constantly.

They're mostly held back by the fact that "tank" isn't all that useful a role compared to "healer" or "damage dealer".  (It doesn't help that enemies will often just ignore the "taunt" token.  I'm looking at you, Weakness Scanner.)

I'm pretty sure that pets are meant to be a support/tank focusing on ripostes with skills like "sit," "encourage" and "guard dog," but yeah, they are pretty weak with just their starting kit. I don't have much experience with the pony class, but I feel like it's the worst combat-wise and is mostly good for the dedicated job and extra inventory. I do enjoy using rogues who can be good with throwing daggers and warriors can take the heat off of the rest of the party, (especially from those damn lancers)

The Quests for "have 4 elite X" are showing "3/4" to me, but I only have one elite in my entire guild.  I think it's counting Veterans.

It is

Can you add more dogs that the player can interact with or tame? I would also like impregnation content if possible love your work have great day

You don't count the broodspider as impregnation?

I meant like more of it my bad for not clarifying it bro

How ddo you get favor?

Do request they tend to give favor or gold

Where is it in venture map?

It isn't.  It's on the Quests screen, which is one of the buttons in the lower-right corner of your base.

Is there an easy way to increase exhibitionism?

it goes up by taking damage to your adventurer's armor, another way is to simply equip them with Pet gear

(1 edit)

Is this a bug or a feature?

Sometimes whenever I rescue an adventurer after she gets captured, she'll be stuck in the "Faltering" state even in the overworld and it won't go away until I heal her in combat. I can work around it, but it's weird, inconvenient and just doesn't make sense.

That's a bug. Thanks for reporting!

The fact that grappling enemies can rearrange my party through Immobilized has created some frustrating situations where I start a battle with an immobilized character in the front position, only able to attack from the front... then my ranger gets grappled to the front, and there's no way to get either character back to a position where they can act.  (Or to move anyone else, for that matter, because an immobilized character in the middle blocks nearly all non-grapple movement.)

Is it a bug when you turn your character into a doll and the item icon change  into search icon?

It is a bug, the search icon happens when the item is undefined. Do you have any more details about this?

You can equip that item and nothing its like a icon item only nothing really happens when you equip it but is has a description it might removed or it is just mod that you install but i didn't know how to use mod in certain game like this.

(1 edit) (+1)

Bunny class!!!!


Turning speed into damage seems really fun, and besides, I've definitely felt a bunny cursed class is needed since months ago due to all the bunny gear in the game that floods earlygame!

And it's nice to see cursed classes getting some subclass options for more variety and replayability in gameplay. Here's hoping we get some mega-milkers cows soon lol

(2 edits) (+3)

Really, really needs across the board upgrade cost reduction. When it takes multiple repetitive runs to upgrade one building one early stage, that's a problem. I would recommend outright halving the cost of upgrades or more. This game really doesn't have the intricate combat of Darkest Dungeon, and to then take far longer for less significant upgrades? Not great. 

This grinding issue is further exacerbated by the style of the map and inability to rerun areas; while I do like how it incentivizes reckless behavior (via prioritizing clearing higher difficulty stuff if it would eat the same squares as lower difficulty), it does also mean that losing/crippling a squad could have permanent consequences. Contrast with Darkest Dungeon, where losing a squad hurt but you could always redo low-level dungeons until they were back up to a reasonable level. As a stopgap, perhaps an option to reset the map so that people could keep their town upgrades without needing to restart the game altogether if they end up stuck?

The grinding is my primary complaint, though. It really is egregious.

(1 edit)

I agree with a lot of the criticism here. It's definitely a sour point for me just how slow earlygame and midgame is, as someone who loves everything about DD.

Darkest Dungeon can keep playing forever on one save if you wished. After the map was updated here, this seems impossible in this game, which is a damn shame and means you eventually get softlocked if you lose your raised parties and have only medium-high difficulty dungeons available, basically guaranteeing further losses every time due to hit rate and crits/luck being much less of a factor here (and crit chances you're basically unable to meaningfully affect at all besides the token that guarantees ONE crit unlike DD where tactics and overpreparation can minimize RNG or turn it into an advantage)

Perhaps the game could use some difficulty settings...? DD has them, and while Radiant difficulty gives minimal bonuses to dodge and doesn't do much for the moment-to-moment dungeoneering besides that, it still immensely reduces grind in the hamlet section of the game.

Here there's definitely more potential for more than that. I feel like way more people would enjoy this game if there were optional or perhaps unlockable settings to, say, generate dungeons on already explored squares (and raise their max limit), or make crests removable through some high cost, or make the levelup/goal restrictions on bringing raised girls to easier dungeons more lax. Something for more casual players who just wanna make a guild with a bunch of cute girls.

Hope this will come in some future update, or at least through fanmade mods. But seeing as there's no actual place to even get mods for this game besides joining a discord server (which most people will avoid), mods addressing the game's flaws wouldn't be ideal.

I ended up trying out the Dev's previous game after discovering this one, and I noticed that tedium and artificial difficulty (AKA "difficult for the sake of being difficult" without any actual depth, challenge or meaning to it) seemed to be a big trend in the game design there. But it's nice to see the improvement in that regard now that I'm playing this game! Even if there's still a ways to go.

Whoa, is the number of dungeons on the map finite?

If so... well, you can still get unlimited elite dungeons by intentionally getting someone kidnapped, then immediately rescuing them.

No. There are infinitely respawning dungeons on the map.

Hello wanted to download the game on my Wiko y81 (android 10) and it sayed app not installed.

I looked a little bit in the comments and see that arm7a didn't work but my phone is arm8 so i don't know why it can't be installed.

your game look good and fun really want to try it if you want more info i will "try to help"

I'm sorry, I have no idea why it doesn't work. I don't really know anything about troubleshooting Android.

After some forum digging i just found 2 reason for that error

1. Mismatch signature of the apk (it's only concern app update soo that's not the problem)

2. The apk that just don't support older or newer Android version ( it's that one then )

I'm not a dev or some thing like that but i like to learn and i found this

You would need to configure the android:minSdkVersion in the manifest, as explained in the documentation. This will mean that only the API methods and classes supported by the minimum SDK will be available to you. If you want to be able to run your app on different API-levels, Android market supports multiple APKs.

I read that android studio could help with that but i never done apk or code before sorry i can't help there...

Forevix's personal quirk is less useful than I expected.  I thought it would show me the contents of every room (as though I had visited an adjacent room), but instead it... shows every room as empty.  In some ways, that makes the map less useful than it was before, because I have to remember which rooms are really empty and which ones I've verified are empty.

That's not meant to happen, I'll fix it by the next version.

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