Would it be possible to have the character's ring color update along with stat improvements through training? For example: I currently have some 0.01% rarity characters with white rings, but I think the rings should really be orange to match their rarity.
Hi, I'm confused for a bit. I already accepted the "hand over Aura" quest, and she's already a maid, how do I hand her over, despite me being unable to hand her over? Does she need certain equipment?
I'm not very good at English, so this passage is machine translated, please forgive me。
Do you have any plans to release this game on Steam or yet? It's not convenient for me to use which platforms can sponsor you, and if you put Steam on Steam, you can buy the beta version on my side, and it's too inconvenient to pay for other platforms.
I came across a strange bug or bug, at some point I can't skip the days. I saved up money, I thought I would upgrade the characteristics of the girls, but it turned out that the button just doesn't work. At the very beginning of the game, the button worked, but then it became non-working.
Hi, I got some bugs. When choosing equipment, if you sort by durability, 150d outfits don't show up at all. You can cheese level restricted missions: I got a Novice Veteran mission, so I selected the mission, in the preparations I went to Roster and replaced my party with veterans, and embarked just fine.
Liking the game so far, the fact that there is a finite number of dungeons, meaning that there are a limited number of easy dungeons, scares me. I would like to know what destiny points do?
By the way, please add a feature to throw away equipment/clothing when in the guild/base (for Android), because when I play, there are too many items, I even accidentally choose cursed items. So please add it.
Hey i don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but when i need to load anything it goes WAY faster i scroll down away from the game window, and then scroll back up.
In my opinion, your best bet is to just let a character get kidnapped. Wait until the rescue difficulty drops to Novice because you're going to want all the associated curse gear. Letting enemies use "Equip" is just inconsistent and annoying when they convert your core party members.
I have a few complaints when playing on mobile, such as information on items or equipment which would be easier if pressed for a few seconds and then the information Related, then the button on the small main map (adventure map). But I hope to update on my first feedback, thank you so much 🙏
Something i would like to give you kuddos for: and i don't know how you thought of this but its pretty clever;
in darkest dungeons, the player can just play the same dungeon over and over to grind newer level parties. In your game, every dungeon clear removes that dungeon: you cant play it anymore for grinding purposes. BUT:
When things get too difficult, you can do the rescue girl quests to get resources to upgrade your base, which means you can just BUY better heros! pretty smart. Although this does make doing the personal quests a little tricky . I guess thats on the player to plan ahead!
Speaking of buying better, I've been working on getting one of my quadruple 20 stats to Elite in all curse classes for force change immunity (half way there). Then an Elite dropped for me in the stage coach under the class I intended to use her for... :'( Guess I could just use her under another class...
same here. my best party got latexified. id like to be able to undo it if possible.
just checked characters. there is a latexified debuff on all 4 of my party members that says it is permanent. not sure if that is intended. if it is, will there be a way to remove the debuff in the future?
I can't get my game to start. I keep getting this error: Error The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) Help
Mean that your android phone are not meet the minimum requirement, that needs at least 4GB an above to run properly.. Which mean time to buy mid to high end phone..🤣
It's like open world rpg, that has no fix map to go or the game force to you to go certain map or something..🤣
As you play as you like, or go the hardest map as the game won't stop you, only that you may do a lot easy map to unlock more maps like 6 or above, that have more choices to choose😘
As for the Cursed Items or Items that you aren't sure, As a tips, That if you saw that some that you found in the Map/Dungeon that not drop when you win the match, that has a ? Sign on the items.. Which mostly are a trap, as like too good to be true..🤔
Like a good Tips, by try to give it to your spare teams that you can see if that are a Curse or Real Items.. Which if a curse that you can let go do some certain jobs to unlock the curse items.. Or you can set her free, by remember that to remove her items like equipment to clothing to accessories, as will delete it, if you forgot to Unequip her, as deleted permanently from letting her free.(Meaning that she will not in your team anymore, Remember to this if you have spares class or she aren't go anywhere or do any jobs at the moment👍)
The real one doesn't have a ? sign, usually you can get it, on when you select a Map that usually will, have a random Item & the amount of the rewards after clearing the dungeon..૮₍´。ᵔ ꈊ ᵔ。`₎ა
I got few bugs to report, on the newest version on 1.20V
Play on mobile, Mi 12 Pro & RedMagic plus 9s 2TB, did try Huawei P60 Pro has some random glitch..🤣
1st, That can't used the rewind time, as much as the player wants.. Which I got 228, end up I try to get 2x or 4x looting items.. Which if cursed items, that somehow wouldn't used Rewind time, as it's already counted as used 1 time. (if force to get equipped or repeat used rewind a lot times may cause a bugs or suddenly just counted as used it.👀🥺🤷🤔🙄)
2nd, Are similar to the Rewind issue, which if Unique/unknown(Cursed 80%) Items, after the battle rewards, as like the items are uncommon/rare that I thought should have good boost with the stats, or didn't know it, unless have to equipped it, to know the specific effects.. Which end up, are a curse ring, that somehow can let me to Rewind, as I still have 50% of my 228, as 1 to 2 try are like normal things, like normally can do whatever we want, after the 3rd try that somehow rewind to the previous battle, that have to kill the last enemy, which like some how the bat girl can have 3 to 5 turn extra turn? Even though I did mange to stun the last one enemy? End up, each try to rewind time again, for the 4th to 6 the times end up, the bat girl are more likely get less damage from my teams.. & she keep attacking my weakest that has lowest HP in the group, unfortunately the 6th try, that when I Rewind the last time, as one hit, already my one lowest got Kidnapped for no reason, which I got 25% less chance to get kidnapped from enemies? (Which I did survived 3 to 5 times on each attacks, while 0% HP.. Which now the last time 1 hit already gone that got kidnapped by enemies.. Which the 1st turn on the battle I should have 10% to 30% health, & suddenly by one hit straight to zero HP. Which I got some defense & a tank to block it.🤷
3rd, Are the mana are very hard to get.. As very low like on easy to medium difficult, are like per run like 15 to 80 Mana, if very lucky🍀
Last issue, I did try to wear invisible clothes or naked, as one of my team didn't have any increase on her experience with Nakedness or Ecchi.. Which some other items like add damage by 10% or higher, as some didn't put in the text, as like example the Heavy boots, that has only said that has 25% less chance of being kidnapping, as once equip the boots that has negative effect, especially Physical Damage -78% & speed decrease also. (Which should have list or not all players will Knowing/Notice it. As will have very big impact on Physical Damage If they are using HIGH DPS Team or Physical/Close combat team🤔)
lastly that, I did like this game, which not that bad & has alot potential that can play in mobile games with Ecchi, that are a lot ways to explore & may get new members in a dungeon map if you are very lucky🍀👏😘👌
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How to use mods on Android
how do i download mods for andriod?
Who can give me a file?
มีใครรู้วิธีใช้คำสั่ง list บ้างคะ สับสนว่าจะใช้คำสั่ง list ยังไง
are there any mods posted somewhere? if so, where can i find them?
How to install mod in android?
what are these colors and what do they mean?
Rarity of the adventurer, how good their stats are.
Would it be possible to have the character's ring color update along with stat improvements through training? For example: I currently have some 0.01% rarity characters with white rings, but I think the rings should really be orange to match their rarity.
не могу понять баг ли это, паразиты в подземелье босса имеют 100% уклонение, вместо 50%
Hi, I'm confused for a bit. I already accepted the "hand over Aura" quest, and she's already a maid, how do I hand her over, despite me being unable to hand her over? Does she need certain equipment?
Read the quest again. She needs to be a Veteran maid.
(complete 9 personal goals)
I'm not very good at English, so this passage is machine translated, please forgive me。
Do you have any plans to release this game on Steam or yet? It's not convenient for me to use which platforms can sponsor you, and if you put Steam on Steam, you can buy the beta version on my side, and it's too inconvenient to pay for other platforms.
Yes, the game is planned to be released on Steam
Should the new update be compatible with old saves?
I just noticed the Straitjacket hood don't affect the Cow's Tackle, but it affects other classes' Tackle.
I came across a strange bug or bug, at some point I can't skip the days. I saved up money, I thought I would upgrade the characteristics of the girls, but it turned out that the button just doesn't work. At the very beginning of the game, the button worked, but then it became non-working.
It's not a bug, you need honor point to skip day now.
Hi, I got some bugs.
When choosing equipment, if you sort by durability, 150d outfits don't show up at all.
You can cheese level restricted missions: I got a Novice Veteran mission, so I selected the mission, in the preparations I went to Roster and replaced my party with veterans, and embarked just fine.
Liking the game so far, the fact that there is a finite number of dungeons, meaning that there are a limited number of easy dungeons, scares me. I would like to know what destiny points do?
There's an infinite amount of dungeons, don't worry. Some respawn.
Start a new game to see what destiny points do.
By the way, please add a feature to throw away equipment/clothing when in the guild/base (for Android), because when I play, there are too many items, I even accidentally choose cursed items. So please add it.
This game is addictive ngl... my phone died twice cause I was distracted playing this which is rare for me...
Usually @ 5% I'm going to a cord to plug in I was sitting next to my cord and was to busy playing to the point my phone died
I highly recommend 10/10
The discord link is expired, can you make new ?
Are you sure, it works fine for me. You may just not be able to access the Discord due to settings in your Family Center.
whats the intro songs name?
It's a custom song for this game, made by Horbror.
I've got a question for those at or near end-game.
When jumping into a Boss Dungeon, is it worth looting each and every room? Or is it better to clear in the least encounters possible?
Also, is there any way to reverse a crest? (I have a high spec ranger that has the annoying one that forces her to move forward at turn start)
For crests, you can give her a mantra in the hospital after upgrading it, just pick a more suitable crest.
я уже в поздней игре и боссов зачищаю только по короткому пути, не хочу потерять или испортить моих героев.
раньше легко можно было изменить гребень с помощью мантры, сейчас лучше выкинуть этого рейнджера или сделать из него война( воин получиться хороший)
Hey i don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but when i need to load anything it goes WAY faster i scroll down away from the game window, and then scroll back up.
just curious. love the game so far
: > Great Game <3
This is..pretty impressive.Really. Got music, sound effects, a system that emulates Darkest Dungeon, with a lewd twist...I'm impressed really~
The game need a guidance or a tutorial it's unclear.
like how to dismiss adventure?
I had this quest that I lead a maid how do I even do that?
I hope if the developer make things clear. Its a great game I'm having fun but I'm lost
after stumbling through i have worked out how to get cursed classes.
1) complete enough of a certain type of dungeon (get achievment) and spend mana to reclass
2) have character get kidnapped
3) enter dungeon with character naked and have enemies equip then with cursed class items
In my opinion, your best bet is to just let a character get kidnapped. Wait until the rescue difficulty drops to Novice because you're going to want all the associated curse gear. Letting enemies use "Equip" is just inconsistent and annoying when they convert your core party members.
I have a few complaints when playing on mobile, such as information on items or equipment which would be easier if pressed for a few seconds and then the information Related, then the button on the small main map (adventure map). But I hope to update on my first feedback, thank you so much 🙏
Something i would like to give you kuddos for: and i don't know how you thought of this but its pretty clever;
in darkest dungeons, the player can just play the same dungeon over and over to grind newer level parties. In your game, every dungeon clear removes that dungeon: you cant play it anymore for grinding purposes. BUT:
When things get too difficult, you can do the rescue girl quests to get resources to upgrade your base, which means you can just BUY better heros! pretty smart. Although this does make doing the personal quests a little tricky . I guess thats on the player to plan ahead!
Cool mechanic tho
Speaking of buying better, I've been working on getting one of my quadruple 20 stats to Elite in all curse classes for force change immunity (half way there). Then an Elite dropped for me in the stage coach under the class I intended to use her for... :'( Guess I could just use her under another class...
how can i uncurse the straitjacket, it says i need to start a turn without negative quircks, but i did this and it's still not uncursed
or does the forced move also count as a negative quirck, if so how can i uncurse it?
can you make a list f all presets?
How do I get rid of the latexified state? Got forced on one of my good adventurers by an enemy and now it seems it's permanent?
same here. my best party got latexified. id like to be able to undo it if possible.
just checked characters. there is a latexified debuff on all 4 of my party members that says it is permanent. not sure if that is intended. if it is, will there be a way to remove the debuff in the future?
I can't get my game to start. I keep getting this error:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
There's an error with the Itch launcher, downloading the game directly from the Itch website should work fine.
Thank yo
what is the difference between a deep expedition and a exploration
Deep expeditions can be done an infinite amount of times.
Can anyone help me how to "check enemies" in-game? Im stuck with that specific tutorial quest 😩 im on android
Tap and hold the screen then drag your finger over to the enemy you want to check
how do you scroll down in the settings on mobile
That's can be very difficult to find the right spot to hold on it, as I mean by tap & hold, that if you, on Highest end phone, are very easy to use..🤔
That can you on Gaming center or setting to up your graphic & Performances on most gaming phone that you can choose the Sensitivity.😍
Hopefully this helps you..👍
For some reason, when i try to instal it, it doesn't work. Am i the only one having this problem or no? I'm installing it on tablet\mobile btw.
Mean that your android phone are not meet the minimum requirement, that needs at least 4GB an above to run properly.. Which mean time to buy mid to high end phone..🤣
I'm installing it on my tablet.
Yes, may worked unless has spare 3 to 10 Gb of Ram to get a better gaming experience😂👍
Ok thanks. 😁👍
Is there any guide or something.
I don't understand that game that much. I read over and over but you still don't get it.
It's like open world rpg, that has no fix map to go or the game force to you to go certain map or something..🤣
As you play as you like, or go the hardest map as the game won't stop you, only that you may do a lot easy map to unlock more maps like 6 or above, that have more choices to choose😘
I know how the game works but.
the cursed items and items and everything.It has alot of things but I'm lost.
As for the Cursed Items or Items that you aren't sure, As a tips, That if you saw that some that you found in the Map/Dungeon that not drop when you win the match, that has a ? Sign on the items.. Which mostly are a trap, as like too good to be true..🤔
Like a good Tips, by try to give it to your spare teams that you can see if that are a Curse or Real Items.. Which if a curse that you can let go do some certain jobs to unlock the curse items.. Or you can set her free, by remember that to remove her items like equipment to clothing to accessories, as will delete it, if you forgot to Unequip her, as deleted permanently from letting her free.(Meaning that she will not in your team anymore, Remember to this if you have spares class or she aren't go anywhere or do any jobs at the moment👍)
Here the extra Example in the picture..
that's helpful thank you but I'm using android how can I hover on items or accessories without applying them by accident?
Простите, а как получить класс кролик, снаряжения набрал уже очень много
I got few bugs to report, on the newest version on 1.20V
Play on mobile, Mi 12 Pro & RedMagic plus 9s 2TB, did try Huawei P60 Pro has some random glitch..🤣
1st, That can't used the rewind time, as much as the player wants.. Which I got 228, end up I try to get 2x or 4x looting items.. Which if cursed items, that somehow wouldn't used Rewind time, as it's already counted as used 1 time. (if force to get equipped or repeat used rewind a lot times may cause a bugs or suddenly just counted as used it.👀🥺🤷🤔🙄)
2nd, Are similar to the Rewind issue, which if Unique/unknown(Cursed 80%) Items, after the battle rewards, as like the items are uncommon/rare that I thought should have good boost with the stats, or didn't know it, unless have to equipped it, to know the specific effects.. Which end up, are a curse ring, that somehow can let me to Rewind, as I still have 50% of my 228, as 1 to 2 try are like normal things, like normally can do whatever we want, after the 3rd try that somehow rewind to the previous battle, that have to kill the last enemy, which like some how the bat girl can have 3 to 5 turn extra turn? Even though I did mange to stun the last one enemy? End up, each try to rewind time again, for the 4th to 6 the times end up, the bat girl are more likely get less damage from my teams.. & she keep attacking my weakest that has lowest HP in the group, unfortunately the 6th try, that when I Rewind the last time, as one hit, already my one lowest got Kidnapped for no reason, which I got 25% less chance to get kidnapped from enemies? (Which I did survived 3 to 5 times on each attacks, while 0% HP.. Which now the last time 1 hit already gone that got kidnapped by enemies.. Which the 1st turn on the battle I should have 10% to 30% health, & suddenly by one hit straight to zero HP. Which I got some defense & a tank to block it.🤷
3rd, Are the mana are very hard to get.. As very low like on easy to medium difficult, are like per run like 15 to 80 Mana, if very lucky🍀
Last issue, I did try to wear invisible clothes or naked, as one of my team didn't have any increase on her experience with Nakedness or Ecchi.. Which some other items like add damage by 10% or higher, as some didn't put in the text, as like example the Heavy boots, that has only said that has 25% less chance of being kidnapping, as once equip the boots that has negative effect, especially Physical Damage -78% & speed decrease also. (Which should have list or not all players will Knowing/Notice it. As will have very big impact on Physical Damage If they are using HIGH DPS Team or Physical/Close combat team🤔)
lastly that, I did like this game, which not that bad & has alot potential that can play in mobile games with Ecchi, that are a lot ways to explore & may get new members in a dungeon map if you are very lucky🍀👏😘👌