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(1 edit) (+2)

Dungeons are generating fights only?

I don't think "Start turn with token Faltering" should be a level-up goal. Half my roster had it. They're gone now, either because they were attacked multiple times in the same turn, or because they had multiple DOTs. In either case they melted before taking a turn.
Seriously, I dismissed an Adept Cleric because their goals were "Kill 20 enemies, start 2 turns Faltering, start 20 turns Silenced".

Also have a Mage who needs to "Follow 5 hypnotic suggestions" and "End dungeon dealing 300 damage". Does a single Adept dungeon have 300hp worth of enemies?

Need a way to remove Prisoner gear other than advancing in the class, or make it less onerous. A Warrior with any two items of Captivity is effectively deadweight.
...And now my Veteran Warrior is a Novice Prisoner in the middle of a Veteran dungeon.

(1 edit)

Curios have been removed temporarily while I try to implement something that works better.

There's a lot of bugs related to the Prisoner class and the uncursing that probably makes the whole process a lot more arduous. That should be fixed soon.

I'll also add a way to reroll development goals (and tone some of them down a little).

Also, multiple DoTs will trigger faltering checks only once in the future.

Start 20 turns blinded, Defeat a boss, End a dungeon with over 60 suggestibility...goodbye rouge. 

1) Equip a blindfold, that forces the blind token. One dungeon should do it. Will work better once gear doesn't get cursed again if you unequip it after cursing, oops.

2) Not implemented, oops.

3) Barely implemented, there's only one enemy that applies that now, oops.

Rerolls are coming soon.


So I have done the start turn faltering several times, you really just need to leave a enemy alive, the peasants, mages and mortar enemies can only target the front most if they are in the front. So I just let them falter the part member then move them back. None of there attacks inflict dots, just be mindful of lust to avoid heat dot.  There is also a underwear that lower capture chance by 30% which is very good for that goal. It takes a moment, but is quite easy to pull of if you bother to focus it, honestly its one of the easier goals. 

The green and yellow dungeon doesn’t generate chests and environmental hazards. Is this a bug or intentional ?(Great update btw)

Intentional. I removed those since they weren't fun and I want to rework them.

who the va, they so cute!

(2 edits)

my friend mentioned the acting sounded so deadpan/unemotional for some of the lines the characters were saying. specifically, it mostly was mentioned when lines were delivered during & after combat.

I spawned a lot of gear while being in town, now it's stuck in my provision slots and i can't get rid of it, nor start a mission

(2 edits)

I assume you mean that you used the console to add gear, which then went to fill up the provision slots, blocking you from starting a mission.

You can find your saves at %APPDATA%/EroDungeons/Saves, look for your Profile and find the main.txt file. Replace the number after "current_save" with an earlier number to roll back to a previous save. That should let you continue playing.

Edit: If you're playing on Web your save is fucked though.

Thanks, that helped

Thank you for the update! Do you plan invasive/possessive enemies that turn your allies into enemies?


No plans for that. At least not for the normal dungeons.

Everything is possible in the final lewdest dungeons of course, but that's still far far away.

Also, I originally wanted to make kidnapped allies show up as enemies (once you abandon them or they get to max corruption). But I didn't find time to implement that.

Got it! Thank you for your work! Love the game <3


Great update, played it for a while and it was pretty good but there were some memorable bugs:

1. Switching classes isn't saving the progress of the class switched from, including prisoner. So if a character gets switched to a prisoner forcefully, the previous class progress is lost. This also means if a character becomes a prisoner multiple times, they need to start from novice every time to un-curse anything. 

2. Characters who haven't been recruited yet can still be stripped by opening the clothing menu on an owned character then right clicking on the un-recruited one.

3. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but for a character who has a development goal to have some sort of job in the town, you need to go to the proper level dungeon while that's happening for it to count - which I find sort of weird since that character is just staying home.

4. The "Masturbation Lover" quirk doesn't properly replace the move

I also have some suggestions as well (feel free to ignore them, though):

1. It would be nice to have a reliable way to dodge enemy equips when you don't have clothes on; probably by being tied to one of the save stats, as otherwise I find it hard to use a character with the exhibitionist trait well before they lose their class anyway.

2. Sliders to control various volumes instead of just mute/unmute

3. An option to "abandon" a character who has been kidnapped (otherwise I find myself rescuing them only to immediately dismiss them as I don't want to bother getting them out of the prisoner class)

4. An option to keep people in town positions until you remove or replace them (I keep forgetting to put maids every time personally)

Overall, looking forward towards the next update!

Thanks for the bug reports, I'll fix them. Except (2), it's probably easier if I just make those starting gear already unlimited at the start.

I'll also implement your suggestions eventually. Except (1), exhibitionism already works with gear that doesn't cover boobs or crotch (such as the bondage suit).


there doesn't seem to be a move to orgasm? I can masturbate and doing that multiple times does nothing. And my lust bar is full and it does nothing.


Yep, that's broken. You can't actually get beyond the first lust effect ("horny") right now. Will be fixed in the next hotfix.


thank you for the clarification. It really is quite fun to play.

Glad you like it!

what? I have gotten orgasm move forced from a full bar many times, its pretty random and low odds, but it is there.

It was fixed in Alpha 2.3.

I figured out how to list crests, suggestions, quirks, tokens (those are list parameters), But what is the list parameter for gear in console?


"list wearables", since I needed a word that isn't always plural

Press "commands" in console for all commands

You can also use TAB to autocomplete, which will give you a full list of lists

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is a mountain of potential; here's hoping for the best!

(3 edits)

Getting this when trying to open the game:

This is what the game looks like if I try to run it using the command in the pop-up:

I can try using a different rendering mode in Godot. Could you let me know whether the following works for you:

Basically runs like the normal version does if I use the command from the pop-up:

(3 edits)

And without the command? Does it still break?

But if that doesn't work, then there's nothing I can do.

Edit: I just tried using the --rendering-driver opengl3 command myself, and everything works fine. I think it might be a different hardware issue from your end.

I mean that the alternate version you posted works about the same as when I used the --rendering-driver opengl3 command on the first version.

I don't know why this is happening. Your other game worked fine for me.

Does the web version work for you?

Ero Witches is built in Godot 3, this game in Godot4. The people behind it are still making compatibility changes to the renderer, so it may get solved in the future.

Deleted 45 days ago

The boxes and stuff not spawning is on purpose, that part is not implemented. The not-dying is fixed in alpha 2.1.
The other things are bugs though, I'll figure out what's causing them.

Deleted 45 days ago

Yeah, the whole thing is kind fucked. I don't know what I was thinking while programming it.
But I've managed to fix it now. Should be OK next hotfix.

Deleted 45 days ago
(2 edits)

The next fix is there.

And yeah, introducing new bugs in a hotfix is a nightmare of every developer. It's why I like leaving older versions available.


I really look forward to the idea of capturing enemies as our minds get corrupted by the dungeon and we become more like them.


Will it be possible for the adventurers to become monster girls in the game? like, becoming a ratkin, for example? maybe they'd stay on your side but it'd have effects on them, like their crest, or libido, or something, or maybe it'd cause them to defect to the enemies side? idk, it's your choice, but will being turned into a monstergirl or other non human kind of thing happen?


Sorry, I currently have no plans to implement something like that.

fair enough, was mainly curious. I would've enjoyed it, but this game already looks pretty good as is.

I see that there's a new version out! Some notes:

The Rogue's 'Riposte' attack does mediocre damage to give the enemy defensive buffs and counterattacks, which is probably wrong, especially since the enemy counterattacks do nothing.

The Mage's 'Blink' move doesn't seem terribly useful, since the Move command that everyone gets affects all ranks. It probably needs to apply a defensive buff or something?

It's possible to strip the gear off incoming recruits that you don't accept, which is semi-useful when they have nice underwear, but feels exploit-y.

The devlog suggests that rescue missions have been added, but they didn't seem to come up after I lost a girl. I did randomly encounter a familiar-looking 'slave' with the enemies once, but beating up the rest of the rats didn't free her. She showed 'kidnapped' when I beat her up at the end of the fight, but did not reappear at home, despite empty slots being available.

(1 edit)

There isn't a new version out though. This is still the old version. Which explains everything you noticed.

The progress report is just meant to show what is currently being worked on. I even explicitly mention that the next version will only be there early September.

Huh, that's odd; Itch was showing me a recent 'Updated' date earlier. Never mind, then.

hi im curious to know how many diffent dungeon theme are planned and i also would like to suggest some that i would like to see : doll dungeon where they dress you and pamper you into beautiful doll who are to worried to mess their apparence preventing them to properly fight, pet dungeon where they make you there pet that's all for now i may have more idea


Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm not currently looking for further dungeon ideas. The five planned dungeons are centered around the following player classes: prisoner, cowgirl, maid, petgirl, and ponygirl.

thank you for answering

(1 edit)

Okay so, I don't think this was addressed in previous comments. I had 3 adventurers in the tavern, and noticed I had enough money to upgrade it to add another slot. I'm not 100% sure but I think it tossed my 3 adventurers that were already in slots, back to the roster and removed their lust in accordance with current tavern leveling. Acting like I had advanced a day by purchasing the upgrade.

Edit - It actually seems like it removed the party members from the tavern and roster, but still counted my roster as full. I Played through a dungeon and it has returned the adventurers.

Here comes the second image for my post about personal goals:

Hello, I guess something is wrong with the personal development goals on some characters. In some cases there is no progress, even though I fulfilled the condition for the goal. Both characters shown in the images below have cleared several dungeons and fulfilled at least one other goal in the list. Still the count is zero. BTW what do the goals do in this game?

Reaching the needed amount of goals increases the level of the adventurer. Goals don't progress if the dungeon is below a certain level however (it will show in the overview while in that dungeon). Since there are no very hard dungeons, it is impossible to get to level 4. Could you check whether the lack of progress for Tomo isn't just due to her running easy dungeons?

That could be. I did not had the time to test this, but I have run mostly easy dungeons with my adventures so far. That would also explain why Tomo is not my highest level character, even though she went on the most missions. I will come back, when I tested this, but most like this is not a bug.

You were right, when I finish the medium level dungeons, Tomo can fulfill her goals. However can it be, that only one goal per finished dungeon can be fulfilled? Because after finishing the dungeon Tomo had more then 60 lust, but this goal has not changed. BTW, the grey bar at the edge of the goals, looks like it should have a function (scrolling?). For me this grey bar does noting. Hope this information helps. Have ha nice day.

Muting music, does not mute battle victory music. Intentional?

It's intentional, the battle victory music is actually a sound effect. Mute sound works for it.

how to rescue my girls?

Not in the demo yet.

I feel its a bit odd that pocket sand is a long rang attack only hitting back rows, the concept is to get close and throw a handful of dirt or sand in someone's eyes, wouldn't it it targeting only front two make more sense?

I don't know why, but after exiting a dungeon with 2 new cursed items on this character I was able to click on the one in the accessory slot and equip a normal item (I believe it was called the giants bracelet), I'm now unable to remove the normal item if its there, and it also made the sprite bigger.

Another batch of oddities and bugs that I found.


1. The Linge skill was not available several times when the character was in the right place.

Weird moments:

1. As I understand it, it is not finished yet, the name of the cross is not displayed correctly.

2. It seemed strange to me that the character is swapped through one position, and not shifted back two other characters.

3. After I closed the character menu during the passage of dungeons, the characters in the first and second positions changed places. Happened 3 or 4 times but I still don't understand why.

4. In the tooltip for character positioning in skills, it is not always clear what position the character should be in. Like here:

Thanks for the fresh batch of oddities!

Lunge doesn't target the front rank. It's not very clear with the old position indicators, but those have been reworked by now:

  1. Easy fix.
  2. Good point. I'll make it so.
  3. I'll keep an eye out for this. Are you certain you didn't just drag them to different positions accidentily?
  4. Same problem as (1), equally fixed.

About 3: Maybe. Initially, I thought that there was no function for changing the position of characters, but I still don’t understand how this happens, it’s possible to change only by chance and then only the first two positions.

I'd love to see this developed more. I like the mechanics of Darkest Dungeon but never liked the tone, so this is a great game for me. My one major gripe is that there's just generally not enough information. Like, you can't see your adventurers' stats and info at all in the camp, and in battle you can only see details of the adventurer whose turn it is, not any other adventurers or more details on monsters besides health, like moves. Also, you should be able to go on missions without a full party of 4 people, and let some rest back at camp to restore lust points. And a lot of the icons and shorthand used in move descriptions is fine, if you're already familiar with what different icons mean. But, that means you should add some way to get info on what icons mean mid-battle, similarly to how you can at the camp. I understand this is an early game, so a bit of lacking polish is quite understandable, but the lack of info is quite annoying. Maybe just a quick info paragraph below the game itself until you can implement these things in-game?

One of the goals of the demo is to see which parts of the game are well communicated to the player and which parts aren't. This allows me to know what parts I need to clarify to players. Explaining stuff on the Itch page defeats the purpose. 

For example, you can right click adventurers in the guild for additional info on stats. You can also right click them in combat (not their portraits though, their actual bodies) for that information, and information on the enemies. But it's good to know that these parts aren't clear, so know I to add it explicitly to a tutorial later.

Less than four to a dungeon is in (not in the tech demo though), you aren't the first to request that :)

This is in large part my being dense, But it took me far to long to realize how level is of a adventurer is shown, It made me think of say borderlands tech tree and I though it was like every 5 levels they get to the next tier of skills. For quite a while I though the 3/3 skills assigned was there are level 3 out of three, and doing personal goals ups the cap. I did keep looking at the giant level indicators and thinking, are those the level indicator, but just couldn't convince myself that was correct. Thoughts like, its to much space to have dedicated to that, or its just tech tree tiers, or that no way is max level so low. Eventually convincing myself that the class names of novice adept and what not were the level indicators. 

A simple fix for this would have been if hovering over not yet unlocked skills said "level _ required" 

Yeah, now that I think about it, there's really no reason to put stuff on the itch page just to save you a bit of time coding. Oh, one little thing I forgot to mention: The way that character positions are notated in the descriptions of skills is a bit confusing. I would have there be empty circles or Xs to represent spaces where the ability can't be used instead of just leaving the space blank, since that can be quite confusing, especially with abilities that don't have a targeting section to reference based off, such as Blink (or to a lesser extent ray, Block and Patch Up, since they can be used anywhere no matter what).

(6 edits)

I found another bug. When using Giants Ring, after being hit by Bite attack, the character scales to normal size, but remains suspended in the air.

Here the same outcome is repeated twice.

Is there a dedicated place to submit bug reports?

I see, it seems that the Giants Ring got broken, reverting your adventurer to her original size, but I forgot to also fix her offset.
Thanks for reporting, should be an easy fix.

This also happens if an enemy force-equips a cursed item that replaces the Giant's Ring.

Hi ! Wanted to say that's quite a good game this far, I like it. 

Just, I find the stat UI hard to understand sometimes. What does it improve? what's their purpose (even if I have a small idea :p) ? maybe you can add few notes ?

P.S. : Do you plan to add thematic dungeons or reward CGs like in Erowitches ?

What do you mean about "the stat UI"? Could you elaborate on what you find hard to understand about it?

Thematic dungeons

There will be thematic bosses at least. But the dungeons are planned to be rather generic this time. At least a lot less fetishy than in Erowitches.

I was talking about Reflex save, Fortitude save and Will save. I guess reflex is to increase "dodge" no ? but for the two others, I don't know what they do :/


Thanks, good to know that I need to clarify that. Some moves target specific saves, it will say Save: <ICON> in their description, which rolls a chance against that save to resist. It makes sense to me from DnD, but obviously needs some tutorialization.

Thanks !

Good luck in dev :

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Nice find, and thanks for including the videos! I wasn't checking if these slots were occupied when slotting in new characters. I'll make it so it switches the characters unless the character is locked, otherwise it will do nothing.

Deleted 1 year ago

Not intentional. Will be removed.

I think I forund a bug: items are not wasted if they are used during the battle

Thanks for reporting! It's a wonder nobody noticed this earlier. Guess people don't use items that much.

or just thought it was intended...

I think I did notice it but it slipped my mind. I use the Antidote item quite a bit in combat, and should probably also be using Salves more.

I found another bug: quirk Bondage Enthusiast does not stack the effect of the number of equipped (locked) items and always gives +10%

Good catch! Fixed it already by now, since it also caused the faltering tokens not to stack.

are there going to be any male enemies or is it all lesbian?

Yes, there will be male enemies as well.

Deleted 1 year ago

Indeed, I'll implement it.

I think I found a bug  during combat enemies are equipping my PCs with "null" items issue occurred after one of my PC's got 3 items equipped in one combat encounter afterward all enemies both for the rest of the same encounter and all others would equip null items infinitely.
Also are there rescue missions in the current build or is that something that still needs to be added?  

Good find! I'll fix that bug.

Rescue missions don't exist yet. You killed those adventurers forever. You monster.

I think I found another bug. The riposte skill for the rouge does apply the buffs to the enemy instead to the character who uses the skill. I think that is not the intention behind the skill?

Not at all indeed. That one was already on the to fix list.

Here is a bug, where the images of two enemies are overlapping. I only appeared once so far. I play the game in the browser at the moment and it seems to run relatively well. Another bug I have observed is, that the black censor bar somtimes covers does not disappear after a mission. So it covers the character even when she is dressed.

All in all I must say I am impressed on how quickly you developed this first demo. The game is interesting and I am excited about future updates. Thank you for sharing this games with the community.

Do you have any more info on the overlapping enemies bug? At what moment did it happen, what exactly did you do before then? 

The issue is caused by the fight not correctly resetting, so knowing that information would help me isolate it.


Since it happened only once I have not much information about it, sorry. It was in the beginning of the game, perhaps the 3 or 4 mission and it was the first fight in that mission. The images where overlapping right from the beginning of that fight and I could attack the enemies relatively normally. Once the first enemy got defeated it vanished and only the image of the reminding enemy was left. So I could keep playing the game as normal after this. I hope that helps.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for the bug report!

I think I encountered a bug I have not seen reported yet. If you select a character's accessory slot which has a cursed item equipped you are able to attempt to equip another item but since the slot is already filled all it seems to do is delete the item.

Thanks for reporting! Seems to be a bug indeed, I'll fix it.

Game crashed :/

Could you send me the error logs located in %APPDATA%EroDungeons/logs.
Just zip them up, upload them to and post a link here. That way I can figure out what went wrong.

Deleted 1 year ago

It should work now. But yeah, I think the downloads on this page don't work on non-chromium browsers.

ran into a bug that im not sure how to explain... while training the girls the game takes way to much money I had like 40k saved up and went to go do a dungeon on i had -144 that hurt me lol

(1 edit)

Ah, I see. The cost is 500*(1 + [stat points above 9]^2). But when forcing you to pay, it does so after training the stat, so you're paying as if you're training a stat higher.

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