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How do you switch to the maid class?

Equip a character with at least 1 maid item to allow them to switch to maid, or alternatively give them enough maid items that they switch automatically

Ok thank also do you or anyone else know why some upgrades for the buildings are unavailable? Is it a bug or do i need to do something first?

The price of those upgrades got changed. They ask for the new currency that you get from completing quests.

Censored now? Sad :(


Only for a week, had to test some censorship stuff. There'll be an uncensor patch this Friday.

(3 edits) (+1)

Do you think it could be possible to add some kind of alert/notification whenever a rescue mission drops in difficulty?

If you wait too long the girl's eyes look a bit soulless and it reminds me of that purple haired girl from the Fate anime/games. It breaks my heart everytime i see those empty eyes.


Sure, I can make it show up in the daily summary.

Yeah, that might work 👍🏼

(1 edit) (+2)

In some specific scenarios, it seems like there's a direct gameplay disadvantage to playing the censored version on windows.
Since you can't take off underwear, it takes way more sacrifices to take advantage of the "Unburdened" positive quirk (if total durability is lower than 100, +50% physical damage), since the base underwear's 50 durability is pretty significant compared to trinkets. You basically HAVE to sacrifice your armor slot, when you could have simply unequipped a trinket and underwear otherwise.


The bunny "underwear" (it's just pasties) have like 10 durability 🤔

Thanks for the tip. Don't have much of those due to a new save right now but will keep that in mind.


So far I've been playing there wasn't much sex scenes (still using old version). Only I've seen was the dog and the plant girl, as well as ONE machine. Are any more planned? Maybe with tentacles, slimes or literally just anything else?

I'm freezing immediately when i walk forward nearby the first enemies. :(


....the new v2.99 update doesn't work for me on Windows...

Well shit, I chose the option 'charge in' on the fort area and the game bugged and sent me back a few rooms and shows the party members just standing on the right of the page. Doesn't seem to be anything I can do, reload doesn't fix it


The retreat button may work.

Hi, I have a problem, the characters are not displayed or partially displayed (I'll attach the pictures), what should I do?


The game requires OpenGL ES3 to work. Updating your drivers may work, or it might not.

Oh, and one more thing. How do dynamic missions work? I've been sitting without them for 100 "days", I just don't have any missions that I can take.


dear developer, please add the option to remove these damn pubic hair from the characters, they really piss me off. Why is it possible to change her height, skin color, and even the size of her boobs, but I can't just cut her fucking hair???

In general, the game is great. Thank you for your hard work. I'm your new fan now.

P.S. make an android version for the second game, please.


Tried the new android version for a bit, couldn't really get into it.

It's TECHNICALLY playable, but the fact that you can't really view any descriptions of picked up items before or after putting them in your inventory in the same way that these popups would appear when hovering over things with a mouse make it as good as unplayable to me personally. This extends to every part of the game on android, not just inventory. Can't view what the new morale system's buffs actually do, what my current morale benefits or debuffs are, among many other things.

Combat works fine at least, but purely because you can tap an ability and actually see what it does due to you needing to tap a target for it to start. Although not being able to "hover" over friendly tokens to see what they do without bringing up the entire info window with every token in the game still sucks.

My suggestion would be to change it so that you have to double tap most actions in order to confirm selection, with the first tap showing the popup descriptions, and the second tap executing the action. Maybe with the first tap also highlighting what the game thinks you tapped on, would be helpful.

It's not an insignificant amount of work, I admit, but without that I'm afraid I'd just rather play nothing rather than the android version whenever my PC is unavailable to play on desktop.

Content settings also don't seem to save on android, they just reset the instant I returned back to the game from the settings. But that might just be me, since I don't know if it requires a game restart or to head back to the main menu.

...I also only did the tutorial mission on android before quitting to be fair, since I just couldn't take how uncomfortable it felt due to what I described above.

Hope this will be helpful for refinements to the android version.


"My suggestion would be to change it so that you have to double tap most actions in order to confirm selection, with the first tap showing the popup descriptions, and the second tap executing the action. Maybe with the first tap also highlighting what the game thinks you tapped on, would be helpful"

This is a genius idea. I suggested using tap and long taps, but this might be a lot easier to implement.

The content menu doesn't work on adroid, is not just you.

Also theres a way to inspect/see descriptions on android. You need to press the phone button and then the ❔ button. The game will enter a special mode in which whatever thing you tap, it will show you it's description (but you can't interact with anything in this mode, you need to disable to select things).

The gameplay and flow is a lot slower and tedious, but it's technically playable. I'm playing like a madman even with the flaws that the android version has.

That's nice to know. I was wondering what that question mark button does since I could swear it wasn't on PC!
In that case I think it would be best to have a tutorial popup explain this for the android version when it's booted up, to avoid confusion.

Help, I lost the quest menu :-( It was there beside the adventurer selection, but suddenly it was gone. I'm not sure whether rejecting a quest offer caused this.

I'm playing Version 2.99 Linux without any mods.


Nevermind, found it. It is hidden in the tutorial menu. I guess this icon on the map only appears on new quests.

Been testing the in-game modding and I've been experiencing somewhat frequent crashes while in the middle of fights, which automatically reset all of the modded aspects of the game to their default state. What could cause this? The mods work correctly until the crash, after which point they hard-reset.

I miss mods, there's no mods on android 😢


this game is great, but i have three questions:
1 - i haven't played a lot yet, are there any sex scenes?
2 - if there are any, are they present in the web version?
3 - where can i listen to the soundtrack of the game? it's such a vibe.

For complete happiness need the Android version for other game from this developer


Surprising amount of depth and charm, enjoyed my time playing :)


(1 edit)

So, I liked it. Just such a request, is it possible to add the ability to save the configuration of the work? I don't really want to reallocate work every day. (I use machine translation, sorry.)


You can click the "lock" icon under jobs to keep adventurers allocated to their work. The configuration of the last party is also saved as a party named _autosave_ and can be selected.

Thanks! (Sounds of awareness of my blindness).


I'm pretty sure I paid for the game, but I'm still not sure how to install the uncensored version. Do you have to pay for the game AND be a patron now? Because that's sketchy AF if that's true


I'm pretty sure you didn't pay for the game, since there's no way to pay for the game.

Okay, that means I remembered wrong. I bought a couple games recently and thought this was one I spent money for. How much is it going to be on release?

Patch releases next week 🤔

is the no uncensored windows version?

if you follow the patron link in Install instructions that windows one should be unsensed 

If you have a old version then it's uncensored


Maybe it's just me, but... Shouldn't ponygirls wear a chastity belt? It's kind of a classic element of their equipment, isn't it? Harness blocking the bottom slot feels... off.

Why there is always lag in battles on my chrome? Sometimes it will disappear after  i close tutorial popups. 

Have you tried downloading the game? 🤔

having played the newest version it's all pretty good I do want to check a few things
1 Is there an infinite or finite number of expiditions
2 why was the physical DR taken away from larger breasts

outside of those questions all feels good to play new morale is fun and a damm sight better than the old version making use of all the cursed classes is good to soften the blow of getting a character cursed and it just feels alot smoother

keep up the good work my guy

1. infinite

2. Streamlining, they give a milk efficiency bonus now instead.

the Mobile version is not logging in whenever I try to log in, the game has a black screen for 5 seconds and exits

What's the ram on your machine? This happens on low memory phones.

4 ram

Then it shouldn't be a memory problem. 

Does the phone have an arm64-v8a architecture? Some older/specific ones have an armeabi-v7a, which isn't supported by Godot.

my phone is moto g(7)power

where do I see this

With cpu-z, it's on the playstore.

Although ite seems like you have armeabi-v7a

Ero Dungeons Windows (UNcensored) V2.99 where?

in one week

Isn't the Android version translated?

No, translation requires external files currently, which don't work on Android.

When apk





no apk?



Yes apk

no korean in apk

sad again

Can you make a mobile version soon?



so i was trying this game out but as soon as i get near the first 2 characters the game stops working.

The time is currently 4:45 AM and I have just read the Customization/Censorship devlog.

Is that a typo in the cowtits setting in the screenshot, or will it actually replace the two largest sizes with *larger* ones?

If that is indeed a typo, then I must once again beg for bigger booba. (At least for the cow class, please god, I will do unspeakable things)

That (very important) aside, looks like things are progressing well. Looking forward to the barks once all those are written up and implemented (the more the better, so take your time. Variety is good.)

Do you remember our venerable whorehouse?

Opulent and imperial


is there a place i can download the dungeon/combat OSTs
i really like the forest one

The mastered .wav files are always added to the Patreon when completed.

is there a way to reverse being turned into a doll?

I don't think so.

damn, well already in a new good run, started a new one after getting one of the people i liked turned into one:(

Are you planning on moving the crest locations? It's weird to have two opposing crests in the same dungeon.

Crests will be reworked somewhat (two are still missing), so yeah.

Uh? There are 8 crests total, 2 in every dungeon and 4 dungeons total, what's missing?

1 dungeon and 2 crests obviously (already available for patrons)

(3 edits) (+2)

Get into a battle, first slot is a unit I just spent three hours leveling up to get rid of all the curses she had, because it takes like twenty goals completed to level up that far

Two rounds into the battle, she now has five more curses that will take another three hours to get rid of, changing her class mid-battle and there is absolutely fucking nothing I can do about it, nor anything I could have done to prevent it

Because in order to prevent this from happening, I need to COMPLETELY MAX OUT THAT CLASS, and the last level requires twenty goals ON ITS OWN, not to mention the only way to even get this class is to get cursed in the first place

All the cursed equipment that was forced onto me means I now I have five pieces of equipment in my inventory to deal with, WHICH IS HALF MY INVENTORY

Find a chest after the battle, wait ten seconds to see if it moves

It does not move, therefore is not a mimic

Open it, it's a mimic, here's yet another curse

Equip a bow I found to hopefully make up for changing my unit's class mid-battle so I can survive the dungeon

It's cursed too, and there's no way to know until you equip it

Paying to remove these curses will cost well over a hundred grand, which is easily five hours of grinding, and that's assuming I don't get any MORE curses in the process

Go to the unit I rescued, which I only even tried to do so I could get her weapon back, because it doesn't give it back when she gets kidnapped

She has also had all of her equipment replaced with cursed gear, and that weapon is gone forever, so this whole endeavor was a gigantic waste of time to begin with


This is fucking BULLSHIT and completely fucking unfair

(1 edit) (-2)

Skill issue :P

Edit: to try and actually be helpful, keep in mind that this game is inspired by Darkest Dungeon: a lot of things can fuck you over, and sometimes it's easier to get rid of a hero who isn't pulling their weight. Get rid of items you know are either cursed or replaceable when you're in the dungeon to free up room, and accept that sometimes the box shouldn't be messed with if you aren't using expendible heroes.  Also, surrender is always an option: if you value your heroes over your loot, you can always run away before they get cursed/kidnapped. Hopefully this helps you enjoy the game better :)

You can tell if it's a mimic because you don't get the option to break mimic chests unless a character has very high wisdom.

You can't get cursed until your armor breaks, is your frontliner wearing plate? Even then your accesories also need to be broken to be replaced, metal boots and gloves will protect you from cursed even if they don't help themselves.

If you look closely for a while, mimic chests will actually shake. If the chest doesn't shake, then you can open it

I have had non shaking mimics.

that hasn't happened to me. You have to look at it for about 30 seconds to a minute. it's subtle, but if you see it then it works every time. Since I had discovered it, I hadn't opened a cursed chest once.


Is the "one for all" Crown not going to infinite? i got 18 Without a course and they still not stacking.

Oh, they are cursed alright...

Where can I find the mood of this game?

If you mean mods, those are in the Discord.


hey guys sans undertale here wait what the fu-


Hello can you please put it on android

It's on Android now, but you need a good phone/tablet to play it.


Haven't played since the map updated to the new version, but my biggest critique is that it feels like almost all items are cursed, and there isn't enough good ones that you can find to make it worth even trying to equip anything. Other than that, extremely fun!

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