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I'm a Japanese speaker and can't speak English, so I rely on Google Translate, sorry if there are any translation mistakes. Is there a way to remove the permanent version granted by the Latexified boss? It's still tolerable that brainwashing and emblems are too difficult to remove, but permanently changing appearance and being given permanent debuffs is extremely unbearable.

There is a machine on the same map,use it you can remove the Permanent state =-= i cant speak English either. 

Thank you very much! ! thank you! ! !
(1 edit) (-1)

okay real talk when do we get any actual porn in this game.  the soft core pin up are not even remotely worth the pain and suffering I endure just playing this game, also for the love of god do not refresh buffs on my enemies for free. the number of full teams I have lost to slimes is stupid.

maids are to fragile to use for removing enemy buffs


The buffs are not the problem, only slimes (and orcs) are. If you take a look at "ero witches" of the same dev, it has a similar amount of 'actual porn' in it- if you only want porn, i recommend porn sites or a different game. (not toxic, just trying to be helpful- i enjoy this game as well as ero witches so i have some experiences in what to expect to be added, this game seems to focus on gameplay rather than an influx of porn.)

to begin with I don't just want porn I want both a good game and porn. I'm not trying to be rude here, and to be fair I really shouldn't have wrote that when I was so mad. However I still think my points stand. 

To start with the game problem, I was fighting 4 slimes 2 warrior and to alchemist slimes these had a defense buff spell that effect themselves. it came back at the start of there turns. The buff resulted in my paladin doing 1 damage when they normally did 15 or even 20+ damage, and I brought a maid to use feather duster to get rid of the buff, however guess who go targeted and  forced to change class and not even 3 rounds into encounter. only to be captured by round 8. if you guessed the maid here's your cookie your correct. so here I am, staring down an enemy I can't damage fast enough to kill nor get rid of there buffs nor do I have enough healing, even with 2 adapt clerics, to out last them. the problem is the buff return too fast and doing way to much reduction. I wont comment on the orcs I haven't even tried fight them yet.

(2 edits) (+1)

now for porn aspect like said on the first comment I don't just want porn I want a good game and porn. so ero witch had more sexual content in its first level then this entire game. it had defeat screens and story elements. go back lose to first boss and tell me that is not more sexual then this anything in this game. I'm not saying what we have is bad. I'm saying want more then we got right now.


i re-100%ed the first dungeon in 1 sitting and its exactly as i already said, there is only nudity in the first dungeon

I don't know how you think but okay bud. regardless I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree cause I want more.


As for the gameplay aspect, I think that a good game should be really challenging, the whole thing that makes games fun in the vast majority of cases is that they provide challenges. Just try different strategies and you will succeed.

As for the porn/sexy stuff aspect, I agree the game is pretty bare in that department, the gameplay is super fun and addicting, but I really hope the dev expands at least somewhat on the sex related stuff before declaring the game done and moving on to something else. I think the game is good, gameplay is amazing, but it needs at least just a little more sex content to push it over the edge to being up there with the absolute best top tier H-games out there. 

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I enjoy the game quiet a lot as well, I'm not going disagree, I know it is supposed to be hard, but I don't like being stuck because RNGeasus has abandoned my run, and I REAL don't like lose all progress on a character, only watch them get kidnaped. what I will say is the difficulty curve needs work.

to be more specific I think novice level is fine and adept needs to nerfed again I can't comment on anything higher then that, because I have never been able to hold on to character long enough to get past adept.

(1 edit)

On that note if someone has recommendation to make my runs less FUCKING GARBAGE feel free to say something.

Was the Halfling Ring removed? I had it on a rogue and an archer but the item didn't transfer between 1.03 and 1.10

It got a new underlying ID but the item itself is still in the game.

ah... gotcha.

(2 edits) (+1)

orcs / orc carriers currently look kind of off and are way too strong. 50hp+15hp regen plus 12 dmg, effectively oneshoting every attacker on 2 range is ridiculous.

regarding looks tip of the dick is jelly and femail armour is missing nipples

beating through that meatwall is just exhausting and not really worth the effort.

also why am i not allowed to know how much equipment damage attacks deal anymore? bug? feature? oversight?

I'm sad, before I could play the game normally, but now I can't even play it in the browser, sad.

As a gameplay mechanic, permanent negative consequences are very, very frustrating, at least for me. For titillation, however, it's hot as fuck.


I'm sorry to disappoint you then. Nothing is absolutely permanent in the game, except some things where you have to make that explicit choice.

Don't get me wrong, this game has so much quality it's insane. It's mostly just a me issue I guess, since I had the same problem with Darkest Dungeon; because it's kind of The Point of each game, though, how can I really complain when it's very clearly advertised?

The in-game encyclopedia is pretty comprehensive, but I'm still not sure how you get rid of undesired crests, which seems to be the most major thing that happens when someone gets kidnapped. Maybe it's a skill issue that 3 of my most useful characters got kidnapped so early on, but it's very stress inducing for me knowing that I have to wait until they're put further and further into a utility hole in order to let the difficulty lower enough to be capable of rescue. It's almost worse than them just dying like in Darkest Dungeon since if they were just dead, then I would have to move on or give up instead of putting more time and resources into trying to rescue and fix them.

I don't know if there's a solution to this other than just sucking it up or not playing the game (I don't expect the game to be so radically changed just for me), so IDK why I'm even saying all this, I guess I just wanted to express my frustration, get it off my chest.

Again, it seems like a great game overall! Really looking forward to the cow and parasite stuff when I can finally claw my way back to a normal-ish state so I can actually make progress in the game and interact with the parts of it I want to!


You can weaken crests by using Mantras from the Mental Ward. It will diminish all crests except one.

But yeah, the game can be difficult in the beginning. Though you'll get used to it, most veteran players find it too easy instead :)

Я несколько недель ждал новую версию, надеялся что вылетов больше не будет, как итог-в игру теперь вообще не зайти XD 

Я ради этого даже на сайте зарегистрировался...


Android 9

How can i enter B3 location

Got stuck by a ratkin everytime  i want to explore there

Is there a DoT genre in this game currently? It feels like there is only Mage's Burning?

I would like to ask if this is a missing font or something wrong?

This may help:

Sorry, I tried it on the website, but it didn't wor

i see a error of sprite with the corset suit if the girl no is pony


I can't get cheats to work and I downloaded it from patreon

Have you looked at:

Is there no save file here like import and export, i mean you should have it as losing progress is possible, i recommend adding it!!


It's in the settings

oh ty


can you use mods on android



Will u add it?

It's impossible, Android doesn't allow for just adding files to apk's

(1 edit) (+2)

What does "At: Ally directly behind" mean? It always give debuff on position 1 and 4

(Sheer pink stocking have bug on its wearer, its wearer get both -25% and +50%)

If my cleric forcibly became a maid,is there any way for me to chance her back to her original class???


Yes, level up to veteran maid and you can swap her back to her original class.

it would be cool if the adventureres could get multiple parasites. for example, nipple shouldnt stop brain or anal from being gotten too.

also on this, it would be nice if parasites are rebalanced to do less damage and have less health, but their effects are alot stronger once you are infected. also the `heat` modifier should maybe be changed to estrus instead; it doenst make alot of sense for a parasite to activly damage its host

stacking will be useful, like wearing stocking under boots.

Why don't you guys add gallery?

the game became pretty unstable after the last update

It says it's not compatible with my device when I try to download it on android???

its fine. likely just a metadata issue and has no bearing on actual usability

But it's not letting me install it on my device when I try to use the APK.



The music is great <3


Is there a way to export saves from the browser to the desktop version?

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a way to delete unwanted items for my storage??? On mobile 

love the Darkest Dungeon inspiration, but im going to be honest, the scaling is even more harsh difficulty-wise. I think one of the best changes to make would be discovering cursed items between missions. love the game otherwise though.

Hi,I don't understand who to remove a yoke set .

That's a weapon, they can't be unequipped, only replaced.


It seems like the Beads of the Loyal Bunny are bugged. Once inserted, I can only remove one bead (leading to state 4/5), further removals do not change anything. Or is this the intended behavior?

Version: Public Beta 1.03

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Nope it's bugged, though it's fixed in Beta 1.06.

This game is very unusual.

Hey I was wondering where you got the music from or if you made it yourself and if it would be possible to have a way to listen to it because it is honestly my jam.

(1 edit) (+1)

It was commissioned from this guy Horbror, here's a link to his twitter

(1 edit)

Unfortunately they don't seem to have this games playlist anywhere so this is gonna be tough to find


Downloaded the game and playing on android, after the initial tutorial, the fight at the start, I am now at the base, and have no idea what to do, or what anything does, is there or can there be a tutorial to explain the mechanics and how they work? The game looks great and was interesting until I got to the base.

Can you make mission like "turn back your girl from being puppet doll" I really need that one girl

Is this a bug? When im playing and suddenly lags or just gonna leave so i removed the tab when i came back by opening it or just reload it after the lag it reset and the game does not even have a save file if possible can you fix this problem or just add a save file!!! This will be helpful ;)

I have the Windows Beta 103 and I can not remove the censoring I don't now if I need the patch nor do I know where to put the patch. Thank you in advance for the advice/help.


There shouldn't be any censoring in that version. If there is, go to the Settings and change it in the Content tab there.


Love the girl's voice and the music so much, but the game is too complexe

For some reason the character textures are only bugged in the downloaded game, but in the browser it is not bugged, can anyone help me?

way too complicated 


the art is quite well done, but I'll have to agree with you there. There is a small tutorial and then boom you're overloaded with information and confusing ui.


oh yeah the game looks really good but I dont get all mechanics and stuff wich kinda ruins the whole thing for me 


I agree too

Agreed. No clue or direction as to what anything does. Killed the fun instantly.

(2 edits) (+5)

Hey, just wanna say that I'm following the development of this game since almost the beginning, and I'm really loving it so far. Development choices are smart and the game is really enjoyable. I know it's not for everyone, but I really like the fact that the game can literally f**k your girls up and change a mighty paladin into an obedient cow if you just take one or two bad decisions.

I love the little thrill of discovering a new dungeon and finding out whether the team you've assembled will make it to the end completely corrupted, or sometimes without even coming across a single battle. I'm really looking forward to the new gear. In a game like this, based on corruption, it's really exciting to test new equipment and risk an unidentified object on one of your powerful characters.

I'm a fan of games like trap quest, and think that Ero dungeons, though quite different, really has the same vibe. The lewd part of the game doesn't throw porn in your face, it's much more psychological and insidious, and it does the job very well.
Keep up the good work!

How do I differentiate mimics from normal chests?


if you want to find the difference to a mimic and normal chest, The Mimic chest will begin to shake when you enter the room where the chest is

Ok ty


is there a community with mods i can download?


Yes, it's in the Discord

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