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Hello, great concept, i wish you best)

I was trying to play on phone, it's actually playble, but there is some issue:

Google and firefox can execute game, but  it's impossible to open character menu in town( during dungeon run i can push questions button), plus overload with item effectively kill whole save slot, since player can't drop loot.

Browser puffin have mouse+keyboard emulator, but there are error.

Could you add button to do this on phone?

There's actually a lot more missing to fix this on android. Like all the item tooltips and character overviews. So it would require a significant UI overhaul.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to make an android version eventually, it's just a lot of work and not an immediate priority.

Thx for answer, will wait for new version.

(1 edit)

A couple of items for your consideration

Current playing Ero Dungeons Windows Alpha 2.5.1 version (full screen).

Getting the following glitch/error. When in a dungeon and I make the move 'Holy Bolt' (or the other side does a 'Love Blast' - I'm guessing they share the same base animation etc), the game freezes for a couple of seconds (I get the spinning blue windows cursor and then a flicker of my windows desktop/taskbar) before continuing. No other moves from either side appear to have the same problem that I've come across yet (novice/adept). (I'm guessing either some missing resource or graphic call linked to this move and windows is searching for it and/or timing out before continuing.)

Also free movement in the dungeon map view seems unnecessary and over complex, (I had quite some trouble advancing to the next room using the mouse). I would have thought it much simpler to just have a couple of addition buttons in the right hand corner, like 'advance' (to the next room) and 'interact' (to interact with objects or people [to start the fight]).

Would be nice if when you have one of your adventures kidnapped during a dungeon, you automatically get them back at the end if you carry on and complete the dungeon. Or offer an additional encounter when you reach the exit that the player can choose to do or exit instead.

Also shouldn't items like 'maid belt' and 'plugs of captivity' block an opposing move like 'incubation'.

(5 edits)

I don't know how to enter the commands

Press ` or the equivalent key on that location on your keyboard.

But commands only work for Patreon subscribers though.

I know that, It's because I don't know how to input the command. For example, it tells you the gold command and the levelling up command. Then I'll find the rest on my own

Just press "commands" for a list of all commands. Inputting the commands is just writing them in the console that pops up. So I don't really understand your question.

(3 edits)

Now I know, thanks

the game likes to crash... alot

Any further details? I haven't heard of many crashes in v2.6.2.

when the tutorial battle happens it freezes up but the music keeps on playing

Enjoying the game, except for just how punishing force prisoner equipment is.

Just keep a prisoner in the front as a tank, spam the taunt move, no one else will get targeted by equip as if they try it the taunt will pull it. Early on make use of dots, the rogue and mage both have nasty dots starting at lvl 2. I often ran 2 mages in the back a cleric and a prisoner in the front. Till you get higher stats the fixed damage per turn of the dots is very strong. Once you have higher stats physical attacks catch up, warriors can be real nasty with cleave later on. But yeah you really need to keep fights short and manage who takes the hits early on.

Sometimes attributes gained after a dungeon change for some reason when you check them again in the camp, I got kleptomancy AGAIN! and was so madge so I was about to do another suicide run with that character but I luckily checked it again and it was a different negative attribute, I don't know how common this bug is or what causes it to happen but just letting you know it exists. I played on 2.6.2 browser

Just wondering, but do you plan on possibly adding images of the parasites at some point? would be kinda neet to see them on the girls, but if not, all good.

 But if you were planning on it, I had an idea for a cursed class; Broodmother

Basically, the idea is the girl in question has all parasites attached as gear, with the playstyle being a tanky controller (ie. alot of the parasites increase hp, hence the tanky mention, but the idea is they infect the enemy, and while infected they gain debuffs and grant lifesteal to any of your girls who hit them) also a potential new parasite; a penis parasite (basically, while attached to a girl, the count as having a penis, and grant a grab attack when fully matured).

Anyway, just some ideas that wouldn't get out of my head, looking forward to what comes next, keep up the good work. o7

I would love it if one of the class changes in the game made your adventurer into a ratkin or some other kind of monster. ratkin would make the most sense perhaps since it's the type that appears everywhere, but I would also enjoy it if some other monster type was able to do that. but that's just me. Is that gonna happen or is it unlikely?

Yo, thought I'd send you a message about your Patreon page. As per their guidelines they don't allow nudity on public pages/posts and pages with it should be marked as 18+ or you may get your page put under review. Getting put under review isn't fun as it may take Patreon weeks to check the status of your page after changes has been made.

I don't know what you're talking about. The page is 18+ and there are no public posts.

The banner page, although it looks like it's been altered since I posted.

Ah yes, I changed it just to be certain after your comment.

Good to see more content.

Your previous game had a way to skip content the player wasn’t comfortable with. Will there be something similar to turn off things like parasites and pregnancy?

I will add something like that eventually. But currently there isn't really enough content for it. So expect it to arrive sometime just after the current roadmap is finished.

the little spiders don't grow up in the 2.5.1 alpha, idk if you meant to do that or if it's a bug


Yeah, that's a bug.

In 2.6,there is a equipment called armbinder wich need the class ponygirl to equip,so that it means I can't use it now and this class will appear in the future?

Yep, indeed.

Deleted post

Thanks for playing!

When the enemy equips your crew, the currently worn items are lost. Could we get the chance to loot them back after winning vs. the current enemy team, so hard to come by items can be reaquired, sacrificing a loot slot for it?

Any worn items are returned to you at the end of the dungeon, you'll see them pop up at the guild inventory. Though there were some bugs with that in versions before Alpha 2.5.

I'll take your suggestions into account, but I don't want the grapples to be too strong. Though a boss is planned that will do exactly as your second suggestion.

Deleted post

cow bikini and ears dont incrase boob size, its bad ((


They do, but the largest boob sizes aren't in the game yet. So they'll turn flat at that point.

it also takes multiple battles for boob size to increase even just by 1 size. not sure if that is intentional or a bug, but its been like that a while so my guess is that it was intentional.

(1 edit)

when hero in cocon he dont have move and skip turn

because of this, the sword of pacifism is unrealistic uncurse


It took me a while to decypher this, but I think I understand the problem. I'll see what's feasible to be more lenient on that uncurse goal

sorry for my bad english

mastrub+ dont uncurse cupids bow? please fix it ;)


Will be fixed next update.

do you have Patreon?


I'll have one up next update.


Now I have one btw.

okay, I just need to put some money on my card bc I was lazy to do so

next week I will buy it


very good game, but I have a big problem because the game keeps crashing randomly in fights idk why

(1 edit)

Any more details? Can you send me the files in %APPDATA%EroDungeons/logs in the discord? And if you can get it to crash consistently, also your save found in %APPDATA%EroDungeons/Saves.

let me try the new version, if it keeps crashing im gonna send it in DC to y 


By now I've found an issue where the game crashes if you try to push back a ratkin spiderrider who remains as only combatant.
Nothing else so far. 
The previous version could crash if you hovered the wrong space during combat. So crashes should be less frequent.

(Intended for this to be a review but the review window doesn’t let you paste text into it.)

An impressive start. Clearly still WIP but the foundation is solid. Art is simple, but abundant and consistent. Gameplay is a little grindy but that might just be the current lack of content.

Couple of issues:

Don’t know if it is a bug or an unexplained mechanic but sometimes after a battle the party order gets randomised.

No curios spawned except for in the tutorial, yet you can still waste money buying curio-interacting equipment.


Prisoner (and other force-class) gear should be easier to unlock, but also easier for enemies to apply. Have it so you only need to complete one development quest to remove, but only need one or maybe two (one for novice / adept, two for veteran+?) pieces to get forced into the class. And possibly have enemies apply equipment passively when they hit a low-durability target. That makes it an ongoing thing to manage rather than a straight ‘this character is now a prisoner for the foreseeable future’.

Have each level of a class provide some permanent benefit rather than just the last. And display what static benefits having a class active provides. This also ties into the above as you can have Prisoners, maids etc have negative permanent effects that characters would slowly accumulate as they are forced to learn the cursed classes.

Cursed items should stay uncursed. If you are going for a ‘powerful but with drawbacks’ approach rather than just having them but trash to get rid off then making them as swappable as other equipment once ‘earned’ will help a lot.

Related to something on the roadmap: Ponies giving more inventory space is extremely powerful. A good chunk of the game will be farming runs and even on novice level it is very rate to finish a run before running out of inventory. Consider either expanding the base inventory so one extra slot isn’t so powerful or scrapping ponies giving more space, unless you want 90% of teams to be three ponies and one healer.

Thanks for the feedback/review!

It's indeed best to put it here. Actual reviews with the rating are very hidden and only visible to the dev.

The first bug and last suggestion are included in Alpha 2.5.

The second bug is just a temporary thing until I rework the curio system.

I'll take your other suggestions into account, especially the pony balance one. The second one is an interesting perspective, making the cursed classes negatives instead of positives would be a large overhaul though.

Seems the game updated the day after I downloaded, sorry for pointing out stuff you already fixed.

The cursed classes don’t need to be outright negatives, but having the same ‘power with drawbacks’ as cursed items is viable. And it lets you make them a bit more thematic. Examples:

Prisoners might give one damage resistance if they are wearing any locked gear, but reduce item durability by five percent. So they are stronger when imprisoned but more likely to end up in that position. Maid levels could give a tiny heal whenever a debuff is removed but slightly reduced resistance to debuffs, so they are better maids but worse every other class. That sort of thing.


download link seems to be broken. gives error messages.


Do the downloads in this link: work?

I'm in a dungeon and for some reason i can use just one ability, it's a bug?

Are you wearing a hyperfocus visor (which gives permanent strength at the cost of only being able to use one ability)?

hmm yes,  thanks for the feedback!

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Lust requirements of the Prisoner class don't really seem to work: I cannot use Lustful Tackle, Meat Shield and Exasperated Moan as long as I haven't equipped the full Set, while Lust Explosion can be used all the time, and doesn't reset the Lust afterwards. Additionally, there is a graphical glitch if you equip the Mittens Set without the Anklecuffs of Captivity, that positions the arms as if the Yoke Set was equipped.

Yep, these two (and the WASD movement) are known bugs, and will be fixed next update.

There's a discord at btw, if possible, you can make your bug reports there. It makes it easier for me to respond and keep everything in the same place. (but don't be afraid to double post bugs though, better safe than sorry)

I have noticed that you'll jump out of map if you try to use wasd in the guild/mission selection. In mission selection, this creates a softlock, as long as you haven't selected a mission beforehand.

(2 edits)

had a question, i've seen equipment for jobs such as maid & ponygirl, but i haven't figured out how to unlock or access them. are they accessed through items being equipped to your character or something or are they just not yet in the game? whats the deal with them?

on other note, I've noticed a bug where sometimes the option icons in the bottom right sometimes get a bit jumbled. usually when i have a party. i tried going into dungeons with singular characters and it works just fine. its only when i have a party. not sure if its caused by having certain job types or just specific characters.


Those aren't implemented yet. There's a devlog with a roadmap that gives an indication of when they will be in.

just took a look, ngl, super hyped for everything :D
i look forward to seeing this game grow

In 2.4.1 my units keep being shuffled around after combat. Usually it's a warrior in the front moving to the back, which is a very nasty surprise for the next fight. May be related to right-clicking a unit during combat to check their advancement goals?

Known bug. Will be fixed next update.

ok glad to hear this has already been noted, i also had this bug happen and its really irritating because i keep forgetting to reorganize them after my fights. XD

If I'm not wrong the currently highest base stat upgrade is drastically worse than the second highest upgrade (pretty equal in low stat probability but limited to 18 instead of 20). I've created an anydice of the current probabilities, trend-continuing alternatives inclusive:

Yep, that's a typo. It's supposed to be 6d5 - 2 instead of 5d6 - 2

In 2.4.1, upgrading the tavern building to allow for more guests while unit(s) are already assigned as guests will cause those assigned units to disappear and become inaccessible (the guest slots they previously occupied in the tavern will show as empty) until after the next mission when they reappear in to the roster.

Indeed, the tavern job changes to a different one (with better lust reduction) between upgrade two and three. If you put them there permanently, they can even get lost. Will be fixed in the next update.

I purposefully cask of Amontillado'd a few recruits like that... y'know ...for profit.

Just so you know they will still earn 10 gold each day regardless of other upgrades to the tavern which was kinda disappointing as I was hoping to be able to use this method to get a full 8 guests in the tavern.

(2 edits)

With 2.4.1, after every battle the party order is offset such that the back moves to the front and everyone else moves back a space.

E.G. [4 3 2 1] => [3 2 1 4] or if you only have 3 in party [3 2 1] => [2 1 3]

Edit: This isn't perfectly consistent... I had the above case for three dungeons in a row, but this dungeon has been [4 3 2 1] => [4 2 3 1] after every battle.

The only difference might be class composition?
For the first three I had; [Mage Rogue Cleric Warrior] lineup
For the most recent one: [Ranger Mage Cleric Prisoner] lineup

Also note that this re-ordering affects the "pre-battle" order, and doesn't reflect any changes to party order due to moves used in battle... It seems like the game is trying to restore the party order from before the battle but is shifting the party lineup by one place when doing so.

I had the impression that the post-battle party lineup is influenced by the characters and their classes and levels. At least it only changes once I level up or switch one of my characters and also returns to the previous lineup as soon as I switch back. Otherwise I can see little logic behind it. It doesn't depend on hp and durability, but it seems to prefer prisoner, cleric or rogue at the forefront

The game stored the order before starting the battle. But it wouldn't clear it after ending the battle. So your order would always be the first order of your first battle (even if it was in a different dungeon).  It also didn't get saved.

sorry im late to the new patch but i've just gotta know what the combat music is!

Also, whenever i try to retreat mid combat the game crashes

Should be fixed in the latest version.

Music is Rob Gasser - Supersonic. Same as in Ero Witches.

awesome, thank you

(1 edit)

(Found on version 2.3) When a prisoner reaches level 3, you can remove the cursed equipment, but if you put it on again, you will not be able to remove it, since reaching level 3 will be required again.

Should be fixed in version 2.4.1.

I love the corruption of prisoners mechanic!


So found two bugs so far the first is my front person is moved to the back line after the first fight and must then be manually moved forward after each following fight for the rest the dudgeon run and the second is something I have noticed for a for the last two versions is that there are no Curio Events at all with the only exception being the tutorial dungeon when you start a new game.

(2 edits) (+2)

Curio events are disabled while being reworked. The party order thing is also way worse than just front line getting pushed back, I think its tied to puppies knockback but not certain, Ive had my entire party shuffled several times. My best guess is that a knockback affect is persistently pushing back their position in battle, so you can reset their spot out of battle in the out of combat battle formation, and they will use that formation to start in battle, but each turn it pushes them back in the out of combat battle formation, so after the fight suddenly the character is in the back again. So one a effect isn't clearing, and two a pushback is effecting the out of combat formation which it shouldn't. Its worth noting the push back is consistent in how it changes the party positions and the reason I suspect puppies is while I wasn't fully tracking it, they show up about as often as the effect and have a push back attack. 

The party order thing is also way worse than just front line getting pushed back

I've given up on simply bugfixing that piece of logic, and instead wrote a piece of code that verifies every combat whether something went wrong and warns me about it.

By now, I've found two bugs surrounding it. The primary one being that while it stored your initial starting order before combat (so it could reset it later), it would never clear that list. So you'd start every subsequent in the same position as your first combat, which becomes worse if that includes some girls that aren't even in the active party anymore since it persists between dungeons.

I expect some more bugs surrounding it will pop out of this check while I work on other stuff.

(4 edits)

A few bugs. So after importing as I wanted to keep items and guild stuff even if losing all characters, it saves, but on the main screen still shows the waring of this is a older save when booting again, so its not updating that it is now a 2.4.1 save, everything saves and loads fine, just that that warning is left. 

Now one thing that isnt saved is the other bug, if you locked adventures in as maids or tavern it does not keep them locked upon loading so you have to relock them. I am assuming this isn't tied to updating a save, but it could be. Also could we have the lock option in the training grounds, when I am leveling stats I often do it back to back with waiting, so locking them in the job slots even if I have to reselect which stat would be nice. Hell there is objectives that ask for working at training or patients that it would be nice to keep them there. Ideally you could lock them in with currently selected stat to be trained as well as just in general locked in.

The last bug is which the levelup commanded, I tried to level up a prisoner, but nothing happened, I used the command in 2.3 after you mentioned it and it worked then, so looks to me like it has trouble raising the level with the new way they are saved. 

also this was a oddity, on a prisoner they were able to use orgasm with belt of denial equipped, later put it on a cleric and it blocked them from orgasming as intended. If I replicate it again will update further. 

 My party order has been just randomly changing constantly, Its really odd, changing the order out of combat only changes it for a fight and it just reverts after that, moving them in the fights also isn't saved, perhaps a move or somthing changes the positions in a way that is persistent. 

Estrus is missing from the tool tips

Had a prisoner with the goal start 20 turns blinded, they were blindfolded but it didnt go up at all, dungeon was high enough level and another goal was completed in that run so was just that goal.

I seem to be encountering a glitch where the ratkin tries to palce an item, even if my character is clothed. Then it reads "false" and the game crashes either immediately or the next turn.

Loving the game though, good work.

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Could it be that the clothed character was either taunting, guarding a girl that could get equipped, or a girl that could get equipped was stealthed?

If so, I think I know what causes this. Taunt, guard, and stealth change the targetting, after the move is selected. So Equip thinks it can equip something, but gets rerouted to another target where it can't equip anything and then breaks.

Edit: I did some further testing and that's seems to be it. It doesn't show in my dev build, but in the Export build it also gives the "false" and crashes the game. No need to send the save or logs anymore.

Sadly no. It was targetting the cleric actually. No stealth or guarding involved.  Will hopefully see if I can continue replicating it shortly. 

Should still be fixed in 2.4.1. The targetting was even more broken than expected.

Sounds great. Looking forward to the next update. 

a frequent crashing problem caused a glitch that broke my clerics hp value and made her immortal.

(1 edit)

Could you elaborate a little?

If possible, upload a zip file of your saves in %APPDATA%/EroDungeons/Saves, as well as the logs from %APPDATA%/EroDungeons/logs you can use Catbox to upload the files.

well as much as i can elaborate. my game frequently crashes. after one of these crashes my clerics hp shows up as <null>/24

in this state, any damage she takes doesn't do anything, making her functionally immortal.

it also seems she can't get aroused either.

i'll see if i can upload a zip later.

the download links were broken for me so i had to use an alternative download link, and my characters didn't seem to orgasm even at max lust (which was pretty bad since they had cursed equipment that required them to)

i think there should be place where you can pay some money to remove cursed and locked equipment from adventurers.

Orgasm certainly works in version 2.4 (though it was broken in versions 2.1 and 2.2). What could be the case is that you have a quirk that bans orgasms (or an item or crest). I hadn't really thought about that.

But yeah, a backup way of removing cursed gear is a good idea.

(8 edits)

love the game, can't wait to see where it goes. I honestly hope development continues. even as is, the game is actually really fun (despite various bugs). really looking forward to the characters randomly disappearing bug getting fixed. it sucks when one of them is one of the four i put most of my work into.

Edit: Good news. the characters that disappear might not be gone for good. i almost lost my cleric, but noticed the number of characters i had, hadn't decreased. so i closed and reloaded after getting an extra character from recruiting (i had 1 spare space left luckily) and my character showed back up upon returning. i had closed and reloaded a bunch of times before that but that didn't seem to work, but who knows, maybe it's just a coincidence & you need to close and reload a bunch. hope this helps nonetheless.

That actually is fixed in Alpha 2.4. Apart from some bugs surrounding characters disappearing being fixed, characters are now stored in a central location in the save file and are only removed there if you dismiss or abandon them. So even if something goes horribly wrong, you can always get them back by save editing.

awesome! looking forward to when you finally release it! cheers!

I think I found a bug or at least some strange behavior. When an adventurer looses a locked quirk after a successful mission, the same quirk is instantly replied. See the attached image, here it happens to Tomo with the Gag Fetish. I guess this is somewhat intended, since the quirk is locked and should not be lost, but it looks like a bug.


I think there needs to be different ways to deal with Capitivity gear. Gear gets equiped really fast, and reaching level 3 Prisoner can take forever. 

Development Goals also need some attention, in particular rerolling (maybe including current level progress too, just to make it not to easy), as some combinations are unrealistic to complete with reasonable effort. I know Dismiss and re-recruit another adventurer is a ghetto to reroll, but ...

Both Problems are connected and could be solved by specific Building/Improvements.  No freebies.

I think you can get kidnapped if one DoT falters you and a second one ticks. If so I'd suggest changing that to a single check no matter how many dots are applied, as there is very little to no counterplay possible (compared to multiple consecutive attacks that could be guarded or healed in between).

Regarding the Roadmap: Maybe include a Fetish factory/Trader in the specific Buildings aswell? Can be a bit frustrating to wait for NPCs to equip/drop the right items.

I might change it to level 2 Prisoner.

You'll be able to reroll development goals (for a price). I might make it conditional on a building upgrade.

I agree that the current DoT setup is too punishing. It will get changed.

I would like to add I have had a single type of dot (think it was punish) do its damage as two ticks, most likely do to being applied different turns. First tick caused falter, second capture.

Now I actually am ok with that do to how you can just keep healing a character out of falter rather reliably. The real problem is that there is just no counter. On top of that there is little incentive to continue the fight and risk other characters, a simple solution would be that if your character get captured and you defeat the current enemies your downed character just gets sent back to base, if you retreat they are captured. I do also think some of the heals need tweaks, like the clerics single target heal is pretty weak, the mage heal can be so much stronger, that feels odd even if the mage heal can cause a dot, but I have abused that heal quite a bit, I use it on a prisoner meat shield who has taunted and has high defense keeping them topped off, the enemies are not downing her in one round, then on her turn the heat damage drops her to falter, but I just heal her to full as I dont care about the dot, but that multiple dots can punish that sort of thing and make them a threat is good, and you can keep track of them and keep healing up so it doesn't falter, so most of the time its enough, its just that it can sneak up on you, and that there is very little ways to stop it once the dots show up, which is why I think a way of saving them is a better option. You also could retreat if you see the dots are going to down them like that. 

Yeah, that's just not how it's supposed to work. Every dot is stored separately internally, so the way it is programmed in Alpha 2.3 works as you mention. It's overpowered and will be changed to only trigger once.

The mage heal is very RNG though. It heals between 0% and 80%, with the chance of applying a dot, so it's only worth it on high HP targets.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi! I'm trying to make a mod (of the tech demo, yes), but am having trouble editing the pck file without breaking it, I touch anything in there and the game refuses to launch. Any idea how I might go about doing that?

Also thanks for game

Use to decompile the game and open it in Godot 4.

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