Alpha Devlog 7: Progress Report
Here's another short update on everything that has changed since the last devlog. A new tech demo will be released somewhere next week.
Equipment Sets
When you equip multiple gear of the same type, you can now get a custom set bonus. For example, when you wear (probably involuntarily) multiple pieces of the prisoner set, your class gets forcibly changed to prisoner. Allow Aura to explain:
Common heard complaints about the tech demo were: "How does this work?", "What is going on?", and "Help!". To remedy this I added a bunch of tutorials, these will pop up while playing, and you can also find them all in one place. This means that even people who haven't played DD1/2 will now understand what's going on.
More Equipment
I've added 60+ new pieces of equipment. I'll showcase five of them here:
The latex set: a set that has a chance to spread latex gear to empty slots or allies.
The drone mask: a mask that limits Intelligence and Wisdom, but maximizes Strength.
The royal dress: a dress that weakens you in combat but increases the loot you(r party) gains.
A posture collar: a collar that prevents you from targetting the first rank, but increases your carry capacity (as all ponygirl related items do).
Sword of Pacifism: a sword that prevents you from using physical attacks, but increases your healing done and received, uncursed by performing dungeon runs where this adventurer doesn't deal any damage.

For some moves the puppets I use aren't sufficiently flexible. In those cases I can now use cut-ins. Images that flash on screen when the move is performed. These take the skincolor and other adventurer stats into account.
The idea behind a grapple is that an enemy attacks a player and grapples her, preventing her from moving until that enemy has been sufficiently damaged. In the meantime, this player takes damage during every enemy turn. This is surprisingly hard to program, since you need to temporarily remove the player from combat, have a new animation for while the player is grappled (taking the player characteristics into account) and then correctly release the player. Add to that, that it should work with saving, and some edge cases, and this took a while.
An image doesn't really explain it, so see it in action on
More Goals
I added a bunch of development goals, so the same ones don't repeat while you're levelling up. Instead of the 8 in the tech demo, there are now 45+ per level, with higher levels requiring your adventurers to complete more complex goals.
Minor Stuff
Devlogs normally only talk about the fancy new features, but keeping the code healthy is also important. Since it isn't interesting I don't mention it here either, but a lot of refactoring constantly goes on behind the scene, to make sure I can keep progressing as smoothly in the future. As Uncle Bob says, "the only way to go fast, is to go well".
As said in the beginning, I'll release a new version of the tech demo next week. Hence, there's now a full feature freeze while I get everything working smoothly (and some equipment effects also still need to be implemented). I'll give a new roadmap once that tech demo is out. I'll also set up a Discord then, since that's what all the cool kids do these days.
I also have a ko-fi page now, in case you want to give me money without receiving anything in return!
Ero Dungeons [Old Version]
Darkest Dungeon but Lewd
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- Progress Report: Breaking Mods and Updating ScriptsAug 08, 2024
- Technical Devlog: Evolution of ScriptingAug 03, 2024
- Progress Report: Gargoyles, Lamias, and a VineAug 01, 2024
- Progress Report: Obligatory Beach EpisodeJul 26, 2024
- Progress Report: ArachnidsJul 18, 2024
- Progress Report: A Livelier Guild and More RatkinJul 12, 2024
- Public Release: Beta 1.3: Mechanic, Dreamer, and HumansJul 05, 2024
- Progress Report: The Dreaming AdventurerJun 27, 2024
- Progress Report: Dreamer Boss DungeonJun 21, 2024
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Nice to see another status update. The content looks good as well. Let me keep up with the habit of making some suggestions. Even though I don't have much this time. What do you thing about adding a corset as cursed loot like the one below?
Spinose corset of strong hugging (Type: Suite):
Rare; Durability: 50; At turn start: 30% to loose 2 HP, when being attacked by a melee attack deal 2 damage to the attacker, prevents you from being grappled; Uncurse: ???
This corset has spikes, lots of them and these are sharp. While it hugs your body tightly, no one is happy to hug you anymore.
Other then that I was thinking about the idea of cursed equipment that first looks like it has good stats, but when the adventurer puts it on it transforms into bondage items. My first idea was about set items, which transform once the set is completed, but that got quite complicated and its not finished jet. But it could work out, when it is just on a single item level. For example you find a helmet with awesome stats. When you equip it to an adventurer the helmet transforms into a face mask that blinds and gags the character instead.
See you next time and stay motivated.
You should just play the new tech demo version, stuff like that is in already :)
I just did now, and the game looks nice. You did a awesome job here. Sadly I did not had much time and could only see a little bit of your work so far. The cursed equipment is terrible, I never want to equip any gear now. just kidding, that's how it should be.
One thing I need to criticize however. Some animations for the prisoner class look out of place. When the arms are bound in a yoke, the prisoner should not be able to pull them out anymore, and especially should definitely not put the arms back into the yoke after the attack. That looks too much like a scene from roger rabbit or the looney tunes. It just breaks the immersion. Perhaps the animation for the tackle could be more like a charging headbutt. Then the arms would not be involved at all.
As always, have a nice time and stay healthy.