Progress Report: Church and Vines
With the new importer done, it's time to start working on actual content again. Thanks to the importer, it's now easier for contributors to contribute content, which immediately bore fruit as the Church building has (apart from textures) been completely created by Keyarl. Additionally some fun changes to the curio system have been programmed by Haraberu. But first, let's talk about a new type of enemies.
Animated Enemies
All enemies are animated using cutout animations, this mostly works fine, but isn't optimal for very fluid and smooth enemies like vines. So I added a way to make parts of the enemy animate frame by frame, and also allowed some enemies to be fully hand animated. Due to some jank in the Godot code it wasn't as straightforward as expected, but it worked out in the end.
Itch doesn't allow for animations, so watch the vines and flowers on X:
Since the beginning people have asked to be able to uncurse equipped items. I've been against this since uncursing items is part of the core gameplay. However, after a while, and when trying to get infinite cursed items, it may become somewhat of a chore. The answer then is to allow uncursing gear, but just make it too expensive for non late game guilds. The cost of uncursing depends on the rarity of the item, and whether you want to be able to keep the item after uncursing or not.
Additionally, there's now a way to have one singular save using the church. It is expensive, and meant to be done when you have a full fledged guild and want to start experimenting (or later on tackling the lewdest dungeons). This will allow me to make some mechanics in the final dungeons a bit more mean, since there's always a reset point. However, it shouldn't make it so affordable that you can just save every five dungeons and reset whenever something unexpected and fun happens.
- Vine and flower enemies in the Swamp, including animated puppet textures.
- A church to uncurse items and keep a backup save.
- Unidentified items are now shown as unidentified. To make an item infinite you need four identified items.
- More and updated translations for Korean and Traditional Chinese.
- Encounters and Enemies are now moddable.
- Mental ward costs have been simplified.
- Some choices will sometimes override your choice, this in an attempt to make kleptomaniac as bad as in Darkest Dungeon.
- Different classes can have different level thresholds, so no longer just 4-6-10-20. This is mostly useful for mods.
- Added an "interact with curios" goal.
- Puppygear now has a specific tag. Petgirls can only wear items with that tag.
- Mods now include a minimum required version.
- The loading screen is a tad fancier.
- Added a warning if you have mods that aren't activated.
- The mod importer now shows textures instead of paths to textures.
- The daylog shows when an adventurer has been rescued/kidnapped.
- You can check a delete mode in-dungeon, so you can play the entire game with a mouse.
- Rewards from dungeons and quests are now always identified.
- You could doubleclick through menus to assign girls in the guild
- You could move while paused (e.g. when a curio required your attention) by right click spamming the overview
- Dungeon end increases for quirks didn't work (like with the region based ones)
- Attach and Equip would still be used on guarded girls, leading to unpredictable results.
- Curios will now tell you to select an adventurer when that's what you have to do.
- Curios will now say "No Effect" instead of just being empty if they have no effect.
- Right clicking on an employed girl to open the overview and then rightclicking on the same spot to close the window would unemploy the girl.
- The addition symbol for AoEs was incorrectly aligned for moves targetting the player's side.
- Crit tokens will no longer affect moves that don't do damage and hence don't consume crit tokens (for stuff like dot length increases)
- The non-cursed vine bangle has, again, been removed from the loot table.
- Curios would reroll some outcomes if you exited and reinteracted with them.
- The curse lock didn't show on some items when imported from a previous version
- You could duplicate basic cursed weapons easily.
- Icons in the mod managed wouldn't show their path correctly.
- Fixed an error when using extract all in the mod manager.
- Mod settings weren't saved correctly.
- Fixed incorrect line in the daylog for the mental ward.
- Textures weren't reloaded when all other data was, causing problems with mods.
- Adventurers that carry a lockpick will no longer use a hammer as their preferred chest-opening tool.
- Enemymoves was called EnemyMoves in mod folders, preventing it from being moddable.
- Items wouldn't turn infinite in the guild correctly.
- Game would try to save in-menu if you tried to exit in-menu, causing profiles to get overwritten.
- Durability damage wouldn't always display in the enemy overview.
- Error in sign of natural decay in personality tooltips
- Crit token would unhighlight when a girl targeted herself.
- Defensive tokens on enemies wouldn't highlight correctly.
- Adventurers weren't sorted by rank when interacting with curios.
Ero Dungeons [Old Version]
Darkest Dungeon but Lewd
More posts
- Ero Dungeons has Released!Oct 25, 2024
- Progress Report: Breaking Mods and Updating ScriptsAug 08, 2024
- Technical Devlog: Evolution of ScriptingAug 03, 2024
- Progress Report: Gargoyles, Lamias, and a VineAug 01, 2024
- Progress Report: Obligatory Beach EpisodeJul 26, 2024
- Progress Report: ArachnidsJul 18, 2024
- Progress Report: A Livelier Guild and More RatkinJul 12, 2024
- Public Release: Beta 1.3: Mechanic, Dreamer, and HumansJul 05, 2024
- Progress Report: The Dreaming AdventurerJun 27, 2024
- Progress Report: Dreamer Boss DungeonJun 21, 2024
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Looks great, finally will be able to see which items might be cursed and which ones were not.
uncursing equip item?? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! (only for meme purposes)